OTnews November 2024 | Page 31

Since introducing the vocational roles on the ward , such as at the fire station , we have noticed a huge difference in the general health and wellbeing of our patients .”


Feature something that should be the case in all NHS settings , regardless of position .
Where it all began
It all started with a collaboration with occupational therapist Doug McQuillin and the catering team at Northgate Park , part of NTW Solutions , who work into the trust and cover all estate ’ s matters . This was part of the care and treatment offered by the Tweed Low Secure Learning Disability Service . Deborah Blackburn , catering supervisor at Café Willow in the Sycamore Unit says : ‘ This is really helping people move on to a better future . I love the fact they are happy here . They make an invaluable contribution and they ’ ve just slotted in with my team .’
A service user working at Café Willow adds : ‘ I absolutely love it to bits , it gives me something to aim for in the future and also helps me put a CV together .’ While another says : ‘ I really enjoy it , I ’ d like to come back to work here even when I leave hospital . I feel more trusted now and it ’ s a good team .’
The initiative has also involved working with the porters at the hospital site . Together , these opportunities have also allowed some of those on the ward to populate a CV ; something they can then take with them when relocating into the community .
This is part of finding a variety of similar positions in the locality of where they are going to live . Senior staff in NTW Solutions are acting as references , so collectively the aim is to give people the best possible chance of success when moving on from hospital .
This has ultimately led to one service user obtaining a paid position , as he makes steps towards autonomy in the community . He recently acted as a steward at the Mouth of Tyne Festival .
This was all due to further collaboration with James White and the occupational therapy team . James is an employment specialist within the trust and works within the Independent Placement Support Service ( IPS ).
The OT team aims to use this link with IPS as an established part of the discharge pathways out of a secure setting and onto life in the community .
Volunteering in the community
Two service users have also been doing weekly shifts at Pegswood Fire Station in Northumberland . This is a further part of the community aspect of the vocational pathways programme .
The idea for the pair to assist lifesaving crews also came about thanks to Doug , an exfull-time firefighter who used to work with the Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service ( NFRS ).
Since introducing the vocational roles on the ward , such as at the fire station , we have noticed a huge difference in the general health and wellbeing of our patients .”
He approached NRFS to see if it would be possible for service users to volunteer with the crews . The organisations worked together to draw up a risk assessment on things such as using equipment , what to do if the alarm goes off and wearing PPE ( personal protective equipment ).
A job role was developed , and service users were given a contract outlining what would be expected of them . These contracts have been developed by the Speech and Language Therapy Team at Northgate Park , who worked alongside the project , supporting people to understand and engage in the employment process .
Other examples of this include : ensuring job contracts were accessible and people understood expectations of the employer ; providing visual timetables that job sessions were added to ; and providing accessible item lists , which some people used to support logging inventory .
At the fire station , service users were also required to be well presented with their boots polished and uniforms cleaned . The shifts involve cleaning fire vehicles , organising equipment , gritting the drill yard in winter , and taking part in operational drills with the crews , including live fire exercises .
‘ This has been a really positive partnership between the trust and NFRS ,’ says Doug . ‘ The crews have been so accommodating and we ’ re grateful to everyone involved for their time and effort .’
Crew Manager Cory Whitworth has been instrumental in the process , welcoming the service users to the station , while Watch Manager Jon Alder has allowed them to take part in live training exercises .
Rob Stewart , also a Watch Manager , reflects : ‘ We are proud to be working in collaboration with the trust . It has helped us build relationships , while working for better awareness of mental health .’
Specialist nurse Abbey Wardman says of the pathway : ‘ Since introducing the vocational roles on the ward , such as at the fire station , we have noticed a huge difference in the general health and wellbeing of our patients .
November 2024 OTnews 31