The power of OT – transforming health and social care
This year , RCOT ’ s OT Week kick-started a yearlong campaign to raise the profile of the power of occupational therapy in transforming health and social care , and to influence change .
‘ The power of occupational therapy – transforming health and social care ’ campaign will help you to tell the story of occupational therapy and support you to be a leader and changemaker locally , nationally and globally on social media .
Connected to our Workforce Strategy and action plans for each of the four nations – England , Northern Ireland , Scotland and Wales – our vision is for an expanded occupational therapy workforce , positioned to have maximum impact in improving people ’ s health and quality of life .
By 2035 , we will have an occupational therapy workforce that is :
• Confident and skilled in championing inclusion and advocating for occupational justice .
• Based primarily within communities working closely with local populations to meet their health and care needs and ensuring that services are accessible to everyone .
• Positioned to focus on prevention and early interventions , minimising the need for crisis interventions and dependency on care services .
• Putting occupations at the forefront of their practice , empowering people to do the occupations that they value , manage their health and care needs and contribute to society .
Karin Orman , RCOT Director of Practice and Innovation said : ‘ The launch of our campaign is a key action to realising our vision for the occupational therapy workforce . Our workforce strategy aims for an expanded occupational therapy workforce positioned to have maximum impact in improving people ’ s health and quality of life .
‘ To achieve this , we must demonstrate our value and impact . That ’ s why we are working with our members to put the case for how and where to deploy our expertise to add the most value for people and their families , the wider health and care system and to avoid critical shortages within the occupational therapy workforce .
‘ This campaign gives our members the tools to consider who is within their sphere of influence and to lead a conversation on how occupational therapy is vital in supporting people to manage their health and care needs and do the occupations that they value .
‘ Our hope is that OTs will use the campaign resources to invite decision makers – from senior managers to MPs – to visit services , share and publicise their service improvement activities and develop their business cases for investment in occupational therapy .
‘ In this way we can work together to grow and position the profession to meet future population need .’
We want people everywhere to value the lifechanging power of occupational therapy . That ’ s a big aim , but we can achieve it by working together – and ‘ The power of OT ’ campaign will help us do that .
As part of our occupational therapy community , there are many ways you can raise the profile of the profession .
We ’ ve produced a guide and tools that will help you influence change with colleagues , decisionmakers and others . And you can come along to one of our profile-raising cafés , to find out more , connect with other OTs and share ideas .
There are many actions you can take where you work or study that will make an impact . Think about who are the key decision makers in your reach that you can influence , and what you want them to feel , think and do as a result .
Sharing real-life stories is an impactful way to do this . Stories give context and meaning to the facts and figures occupational therapists use to evidence the value of occupational therapy .
Sharing the work you do with someone who works in national or local government could lead to real change for occupational therapy and the media can be a powerful tool to spread the word far and wide .
So , using our online guide , tools and ideas as inspiration , you can prepare your story , act local , be a media spokesperson , influence decision-makers and get social . You don ’ t need to do them all , but hopefully there are some ideas here that you ’ ll want to try . And where possible , work with other OT colleagues so you can spread the workload .
To help you , we ’ ve provided a narrative in the ‘ Power of OT ’ campaign pack and a wide range of adaptable resources , so you can help others to have a better understanding of the value of occupational therapy , its role in health and social care and where it needs to be positioned to have maximum impact . While launched in OT Week , these campaign resources are there to be used at any time . Act now at www . rcot . co . uk / profile . Or visit our campaign page for the narrative and other campaign specific resources , including a presentation www . rcot . co . uk / otweek24 .
And finally , find everything you need to know about our Workforce Strategy and action plans at www . rcot . co . uk / workforce-strategy .
November 2024 OTnews 11