OTnews November 2021 | Page 59


Being a BAOT member means you also belong to Unison and can access support and advice on workplace issues at any time .
Help us stand with HOPE not hate against the far right
Unison is proud to support the work of HOPE not hate , an organisation that challenges hate , fascism and the organised far right .
HOPE not hate ’ s aim is to expose extremism , educate young people on how to challenge it and to build local communities ’ resilience in the face of hate . But recently they came under attack for daring to expose the truth about the far right . Their new website was immediately attacked by malicious bots , attempting to silence them . Such acts illustrate the determination of the far right to perpetuate hate and to silence any challengers .
Unison , as well as working tirelessly for members on pay and terms and conditions in the workplace , is a union with major campaigning objectives for our wider society . Saying no to hate , tackling hate crime and leading the fight against racism and discrimination is in our DNA .
We will always stand firm against any hate and attacks directed towards our members and in our communities – and that includes supporting organisations that share our values .
Unison will continue to support HOPE not hate , to help protect their anti-fascist work and the hope they bring to so many people . If you want to find out more about the organisation , or make a contribution to support their work and help fund a web security upgrade to defend against future attacks , visit : https :// hopenothate . org . uk .
Unison ’ s commitment to equality , diversity and inclusion is longstanding and Unison has a history of winning on equality . We continue to fight against discrimination wherever we encounter it and regularly help members challenge unequal or unfair treatment , including all forms of prejudice and discrimination , racism , bullying and harassment and equal pay .
We fight for fairness and equality because we believe that everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect . The ability to live and work without prejudice is a fundamental right , regardless of your background , identity and experiences .
Unison has established groups for members who have interests in common , and who have traditionally been under-represented in many organisations . These groups are called self-organised groups and cover women , Black members , disabled members and lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender members . There is also a retired members group and a young members group .
We encourage members to participate and get involved in our self-organised groups . These groups meet locally and nationally to discuss , campaign and organise around the specific issues that affect them .
They help Unison understand equality and meet our equality aims . To find out more information about getting involved in Unison ’ s self-organised groups , or in Unison ’ s wider equality , diversity and inclusion agenda , visit www . unison . org . uk / about / what-we-do / fairnessequality / or contact your local branch .
© Evelien Doosje via Getty Images
Have you changed your address ? Or have a new employer ? Have you told us ?
If your personal or employer details have changed , telling your professional body or trade union might be the furthest thing from your mind . Members of RCOT / BAOT are automatically members of Unison . Luckily , this means that members of BAOT need only to notify RCOT of any changes , and this information will automatically transfer and update Unison ’ s records . This will ensure that you receive important correspondence , especially when we consult you via ballot for pay offers or industrial action . So if you have changed your job , address or name lately , remember to let us know . Contact BAOT / RCOT on tel : 020 3141 4648 or email : membership @ rcot . co . uk .
If you have a problem at work , BAOT / Unison is there to help
Anyone can face problems at work , but if you are a member of BAOT , you don ’ t have to face them alone . Whether it ’ s about bullying , duty rotas , flexible working , annual leave , or sickness procedures , a BAOT or Unison representative is on hand to help , wherever you work . We are also there to support in you case of disciplinary action , dismissal , or redundancy .
For help and advice at work – or to find out more about Unison services – please contact your local BAOT / Unison rep or visit : www . unison . org . uk / get-help /.
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