OTnews November 2021 | Page 54

FEATURE ADAPTATIONS rehabilitation ) to learn about this project . Despite being recorded , over 650 people joined the live session from across the UK and from as far as the USA . We received great feedback , with other services keen to start similar projects .
Feedback has included : ‘ I found the cognitive screening tools and what they actually test so interesting . I sometimes find it hard to explain what I ’ ve either observed or experienced . The theory of cognition and concepts like procedural learning and repetition made this all very applicable and relevant to my day-to-day practice .’
And : ‘ I would really like to have an evidence-based approach in our area when assessing clients with cognitive impairments for stairlifts . I will discuss this further with the team and managers to see if it is something that can be embedded into our practice .’
The webinar can be viewed at : www . youtube . com / watch ? v = P6-Z07ky0ME .
Connecting People , connecting support Connecting people , connecting support ( CPCS ) is a framework for transforming allied health professionals ’ contribution to supporting people living with dementia in Scotland .
Core project team member , Jacqui Chung , a mental health occupational therapist , is also the CPCS AHP lead for Fife . She highlighted the project to the national CPCS group , chaired by Elaine Hunter , national AHP consultant at Alzheimer Scotland . This led to the project being included in a series of short films promoting the contribution of allied health professionals .
One of the four key CPCS ambitions includes transforming allied health practice for partnership and integration . This partnership project is striving to achieve that .
Service user story One example is that of a 94-year-old lady , who was living alone , had very low vision and significant memory loss , and appeared unlikely to be able to operate a stairlift .
However , cognitive assessment suggested that she had the necessary executive function to operate a stairlift . One was installed and she continued to live
well in her own home for another 18 months until she needed to go into care .
Not only did the assessment and stairlift provision enable her to maintain her independence and quality of life within her own home , but significant financial savings were also made from delaying the need for the care home .
Assessment tools also validate the decision to decline a stairlift . One gentleman , also living alone , was assessed using the cognitive tools . The results suggested that he would require consistent support from a carer to use the stairlift , which was not a possibility .
When the decision was challenged , the occupational therapist felt more confident in explaining that the decision was evidence based and not just her opinion .
Fife may be the first social care occupational therapy service to apply cognitive assessment to inform decisions . The project represents what achievements are possible through an integrated partnership approach . The project is ongoing , with support for Fife social care occupational therapists to continue to embed cognitive assessments within their practice .
Alzheimer Scotland ( 2017 ) Connecting people , connecting support : transforming the allied health professionals ’ contribution to supporting people living with dementia in Scotland 2017-2020 . Available online at : www . alzscot . org / sites / default / files / images / 0002 / 7356 / AHP _ Report _ 2017 _ WEB . pdf [ accessed 3 November 2021 ]
Hare P ( 2016 ) Our dementia , our rights . Innovations in Dementia CIC . Available online at : http :// dementiavoices . org . uk / wp-content / uploads / 2016 / 11 / Our-dementia-Ourrights-booklet . pdf [ accessed 3 November 2021 ]
Royal College of Occupational Therapists ( 2018 ) Embracing risk ; enabling choice . Available online at : www . rcot . co . uk / sites / default / files / RCOT % 20Embracing % 20Risk % 20 FINAL % 20WEB _ 0 . pdf [ accessed 3 November 2021 ]
Ailsa Dow , senior practitioner / occupational therapist , Health and Social Care , Fife Council , email : Ailsa . Dow @ fife . gov . uk . With acknowledgement to : Dr Charlie Chung , rehabilitation manager , NHS Fife ; Jacqui Chung , head occupational therapist , Older Adult Mental Health Service , NHS Fife ; Gail Hogg , band six occupational therapist , Older Adult Mental Health Service , NHS Fife ; Elaine Edwards , Michelle Bisset , Kirsty Petrie , Karen Whyte , and Lesley Beacom , occupational therapists and working group members , Fife Council , Health and Social Care Partnership ; and Elaine Hunter , national AHP consultant , Policy and Practice , Alzheimer Scotland .
54 OTnews November 2021