OTnews November 2021 | Page 5

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Adapting an art group for deaf people
Hannah Spreadbury-Troy and Paz Jordan on adapting an art group for deaf people during the pandemic
Dyslexia : both a challenge and a gift
Victoria Broom reflects on her experience transitioning from student to practitioner with dyslexia
Trying something a little different
Clarissa Thompson reflects on the strengths she brought as an occupational therapist to a brand-new autism access lead role
Human trafficking and occupational therapy
Kezia Edridge , explores the important role we can play while working with survivors of human trafficking
You have to have the rain to see the rainbow
Karen Walker looks at some of the facts around persistent pain , and describes taking part in a community outreach peloton tour , organised by a public health campaign
Sowing the seeds of recovery
Douglas Hawes reflects on the benefits of nature-based health interventions as part of his recovery from Long COVID
Why complete a research placement ?
Johanna Rohde talks about a recent research placement and how it improved her clinical skills
A long-arm supervision placement
Two learners share their experiences of working with veterans in a housing and support setting in Scotland
Two jobs , two very different models of working
Newly qualified practitioner Tapiwa Majoni explores her recent experience of two very different roles
Reducing challenging behaviour
The success of a CQI programme , centred on music interventions offered on a dementia ward
The importance of being human
Linda Jones talks about her own experience of volunteering and the positive impact it has on building transferable life skills
Reclaiming control through a new occupation
Kirstie Huges shares how her ill health led her to discover a new occupation and step outside her comfort zone
Cognitive impairment and stairlifts
How an integrated partnership assessment project in Fife is better informing clinical decision-making
Providing disabled parents with a place , a voice and a space to belong
Sarah Fay talks about setting up a charity to address the unique challenges of parenting with physical disability
Increasing engagement through gamification
‘ Gamification ’ as a solution to keeping clients engaged in their home-based occupational therapy
Cover : © cerro _ photography via Getty Images
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Disclaimer : The views and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists . The publication of advertisements does not constitute endorsement of the advertised products , services or events by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists . A guide for contributors is available on request or on the website .
Deadlines : Editorial : 26th of the month . Advertising : 1st of the month .
Occupational Therapy News is published on the 15th of each month by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists Ltd , a registered charity in England and Wales ( 275119 ) and in Scotland ( SCO39573 ), 106-114 Borough High Street , Southwark , London
SE1 1LB .