OTnews November 2021 | Page 45

Apply now for the RCOT Research Foundation Grants 2022

Five funding opportunities available with grants of up to £ 10,000 or £ 100,000 to support professional members ’ activities from pre-doctoral to post-doctoral stages of their research career .
Research Priority Grant
One grant of up to £ 100,000
Supports a research project that addresses one of the top 10 priorities for occupational therapy research in the UK , and which demonstrates that it will increase the research capacity of the profession by including developmental opportunities for other occupational therapists .
Research Career Development Grant
Two grants of up to £ 10,000 each
Provides support towards doctoral or early post-doctoral ( up to five years from completion of PhD or similar ) research linked to the top 10 priorities for occupational therapy research in the UK . This is for individuals who can demonstrate a commitment to developing a career pathway as an occupational therapy researcher .
Systematic Review Grant
Two grants of up to £ 10,000 each
Supports efforts to extend the assimilation and development of the evidence base underpinning occupational therapy .
Top 10 research priorities
All grant applications should include a proposal that aligns with the top 10 priorities for occupational therapy research in the UK . Find out more at : rcot . co . uk / top-10
Submission deadline
5pm on Wednesday 9 February 2022
• One grant will be awarded for a systematic review focused on the question ‘ What is the role of occupational
therapy in reducing health inequalities ?’.
• Another grant will be awarded for a systematic review focused on one of the top 10 priorities for occupational
therapy research in the UK .
Find out more and apply at : rcot . co . uk / application-information
RCOT encourages members from diverse backgrounds to apply