OTnews November 2021 | Page 30

We had the opportunity to ride with people from a variety of backgrounds , with professional and personal experiences of persistent pain providing insightful conversations , and an opportunity to promote occupational therapy and spread awareness of the broad scope of the profession .
There were mechanical failures , punctures , people falling from their bikes , and some needing to walk with their bikes due to fatigue . However , with good planning , the training we put in , and working together as a team , we completed the tour .
I feel this experience demonstrates to people living with persistent pain that sometimes you may feel anxious , not have all the skills or physical fitness you would like , but an increase in discomfort and pain can be worth it .
These experiences are not always easy , but you can often do better with a good multi-dimensional team around you to hopefully achieve a positive outcome .
British Pain Society ( undated ) People living with pain : frequently asked questions . Available online at : www . britishpainsociety . org / people-with-pain / frequently-asked-questions /# what-ispain ( accessed 15 October 2021 ]
Iwama MK , Thomson NA and Macdonald RM ( 2009 ) The Kawa Model : the power of culturally responsive occupational
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National Institute for Health and Care Excellence ( 2021 ) Chronic pain ( primary and secondary ) in over 16s : assessment of all chronic pain and management of chronic primary pain . NICE Guideline [ NG193 ]. Available at : www . nice . org . uk / guidance / ng193 NICE [ accessed 7 October 2021 ]
The Pharmaceutical Journal ( 2019 ) Opioid prescribing highest in more deprived regions of England , study shows , January 2019 , Vol 302 , No 7921 ; 302 ( 7921 ): DOI : 10,1211 / PJ . 2019 . 20206014 . Available online at : https :// pharmaceutical-journal . com / article / news / opioid-prescribing-highest-in-more-deprivedregions-of-england-study-shows
Turk DC , Fillingim RB , Ohrbach R and Patel KV ( 2016 ). Assessment of psychosocial and functional impact of chronic pain . Journal of Pain , 17 ( 9 ): T21-T49
Karen Walker , occupational therapist , Lincolnshire Pain Management Services , email : karenwalker @ connecthealth . co . uk or visit : www . connecthealth . co . uk . For more information about Flippin ’ Pain TM visit : www . flippin pain . co . uk ). With special thanks to Lincolnshire CCG , pain services provider Connect Health and our sister campaign Pain Revolution , Australia for their inspiration and continued support , visit : www . painrevolution . org
30 OTnews November 2021