OTnews November 2021 | Page 25

Traffickers target the vulnerable and marginalised and prey on the weak – forcing individuals into involuntary roles , forced occupations and exploitation , resulting in occupational deprivation , injustice , alienation and imbalance .
Human trafficking is a violation of an individual ’ s human rights and a social and political issue of occupational injustice , with a significant negative impact on health , wellbeing and prolonged instability .
Throughout displacement and being trafficked , survivors experience separation from loved ones and loss of livelihood , cultural and spiritual practices , identity and occupations , along with significant traumatic physical and psychological consequences , which can create barriers throughout recovery .
Survivors will often present with advanced health problems and limited access to routine medical care during their time being trafficked .
The experiences of human trafficking are very traumatic and individuals may present with an array of psychological challenges , including post-traumatic stress disorder , insomnia , trust issues , anxiety , depression , panic disorders and Stockholm syndrome .
They may also experience dissociation and emotional under engagement , leading to difficulties in forming healthy social relationships .
The trauma and stresses from trafficking can lead to cognitive impairments , such as memory loss , and physical problems include chronic pain , fractures , sexually transmitted infections and complications from unsafe abortions . These traumatic mental , cognitive and physical health issues can impact all areas of occupation , including activities of daily living , rest , sleep and social engagement .
What is occupational therapy ’ s contribution to this sector ? It is vital that survivors of human trafficking receive a client-centred , holistic and trauma-informed approach that takes a strong consideration of an individual ’ s cultural background . These are all foundational principles to occupational therapists .
Having an occupational therapist ’ s perspective examines how an individual engages in occupations , builds identity , and seeks satisfaction and autonomy , as well as promoting the importance of habits , routines and choices that lead to good health and wellbeing . These all help build an individual ’ s ability to be empowered and take control over their own life .
Addressing occupational performance problems associated with cognitive impairments and mental health challenges is part of an occupational therapist ’ s understanding , due to the assessment tools and interventions linked with mental health .
Additionally , occupational therapists can also apply their knowledge of body systems and body functions to help individuals improve their capacity to perform daily tasks and identify and manage symptoms .
Treatment goals and outcomes may include physical , cognitive and psychological interventions . Occupational therapists can help explore the resurrection of lost roles and
For further reading around this topic see below : Boyanapalli A ( 2021 ) Occupational therapy for human trafficking . American Occupational Therapy Association . Available online at : www . aota . org / Education-Careers / Students / Pulse / Archive / career-advice / Human-Trafficking . aspx
Clarke C , Martin M , de Visser R and Sadlo G ( 2015 ) Sustaining professional identity in practice following roleemerging placements : opportunities and challenges for occupational therapists . British Journal of Occupational Therapy , 78 ( 1 ): 42-50 . Available online at : https :// journals . sagepub . com / doi / abs / 10.1177 / 0308022614561238
Cerny S , Maassen A and Crook K ( 2019 ) Occupational therapy intervention for survivors of human trafficking . Occupational Therapy in Mental Health , 35 ( 3 ): 287-299 . Available online at : www . tandfonline . com / doi / abs / 10.1080 / 0164212X . 2018.1557579
Cerny S ( 2016 ) The role of occupational therapy within the Federal Strategic Action Plan on services for victims of human trafficking in the United States . Occupational Therapy in Mental Health , 32 ( 4 ): 317-328 . Available online at : www . tandfonline . com / doi / abs / 10.1080 / 016421 2X . 2016.1172998
Cole , A , Sprang G , Lee R . and Cohen , J , 2016 . The Trauma of commercial sexual exploitation of youth : A comparison of CSE victims to sexual abuse victims in a clinical sample . Journal of interpersonal Violence , 31 , 122-146 .
International Labour Organization ( 2017 ) Global estimates of modern slavery : forced labour and forced marriage . Geneva , Switzerland : ILO . Visit : www . ilo . org / global / publications / books / WCMS _ 575479 / lang--en / index . htm
George E and Stanley M ( 2018 ) Exploring the occupational injustices of human trafficking . Journal of Occupational Science , 26 ( 3 ): 394-407 . Available online at : www . tandfon line . com / doi / abs / 10.1080 / 14427591.2018.1515104
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime ( 2020 ) Global report on trafficking in persons . Available at : www . unodc . org / documents / data-and-analysis / tip / 2021 / GLOTiP _ 2020 _ 15jan _ web . pdf
Mangum S , Doucet B , Blanchard M and Alig K ( 2019 ) Survivor of sex trafficking : occupational-based intervention for executive functioning . Occupational Therapy in Mental Health , 35 ( 3 ): 300-313 . Available at : www . tandfonline . com / doi / abs / 10.1080 / 0164212X . 2019.1627270
OTnews November 2021 25