OTnews May 2024 | Page 8


RSVP for The OT Community at London Pride 2024
Join your LGBTQ + occupational therapy community and allies for an informal meet-up at London Pride from 1pm , Saturday 29 June 2024 . This is an opportunity to bring our LGBTQ + colleagues and allies together , build connections and take in the amazing atmosphere – showing solidarity within our profession .
This will be the first time OTs and their colleagues have come together at London Pride and will serve as a testbed for future involvement in London , regional and other pride events .
The group will meet outside the British Film Institute ( BFI Southbank , SE1 8XT ) from 1pm and move into the main action at 2pm . London Pride can feel like a jam-packed day , so even if you can ’ t stick around for long , it will be lovely to see you . We also recognise that London Pride can feel out of the way for those not London-based . We ’ d love to hear about your involvement at local and other pride events . This will help us plan activities for future years .
If you plan on attending , or if you would like to attend something like this but can ’ t make it to London Pride , please fill in the short form https :// bit . ly / 3UdJRs2 .
RCOT launches digital Innovation Hub community and seed fund to support innovation or improvement projects
RCOT ’ s Innovation Hub is a networking space for the occupational therapy workforce to learn together about leading change , and on 29 April 2024 , our new digital innovation hub community was launched .
This new community space is where members can share innovations alongside searching our database of real-world occupational therapy focused changes and improvements .
Through our Innovation Hub , we aim to establish an environment where occupational therapists can learn from others and share and access a database of occupational therapy-led real-world service innovation evidence , alongside peer networking opportunities .
An innovation seed fund of up to £ 5,000 is now available and aims to progress activities that develop your occupational therapy change / improvement idea or project . This activity must relate to advancing occupational therapy practice and the word ‘ occupation ’ must be mentioned in your application .
Activities might include providing funding for a course you attend to gain the skills needed to implement your idea , through to funding to implement or pilot your project .
Applications open Monday 29 April 2024 and close 30 August 2024 , or when the pilot funding has been spent . You can find further details about the fund and application process at www . rcot . co . uk / innovation-hub . If you have any questions , please get in touch with Angie Thompson , RCOT Research and Development Officer at angie . thompson @ rcot . co . uk . To find out how to get involved , visit our Innovation Hub webpage www . rcot . co . uk / innovation-hub .
This new community space is where members can share innovations alongside searching our database of real-world occupational therapy focused changes and improvements .”
8 OTnews May 2024