OTnews May 2024 | Page 23

© Vladimir Vladimirov via Getty Images
Left : Example of a completed Adapted Recovery Star , on the first session . physical wellbeing ; and supporting families and carers as equal partners .
Each of these are made up of different modules , with 20 in total . The OT will explore any functional difficulties and problem areas in relation to the five themes during their initial contact with potential participants .
This means that participants will have different goals and different priorities within the programme content , which means no programme will be the same .
Historically , it has proved difficult to capture the positive changes participants reported within one outcome measure . For example , while one participant told us that they felt more confident and went out more following the group , another participant reported increased confidence and that they ‘ did more ’ following the group . This led to the author adapting the Recovery Star outcome measure ( Burns et al 2019 ).
Adapted Recovery Star
It is recognised that the benefits of the ‘ Journey through Dementia ’ programme can be subtle and difficult to capture on one outcome measure .
So , the Recovery Star was adapted to incorporate 17 of the 20 modules offered on the Journey through Dementia programme menu . Instead of completing a pre-group visit for each participant , which may involve significant travel and time , the OTs – having already obtained an understanding of the participants ’ goals and
May 2024 OTnews 23