OTnews May 2024 | Page 21

Dementia care

Dementia care

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As these NHS England dementia agendas continue , bringing clarity , awareness and understanding of occupational therapy is essential to ensure we have the maximum impact .
Additionally , by contributing and developing a greater evidence and research base , would continue to strengthen our profession ’ s standing and opportunities within dementia care .
In doing so , we can evolve and deliver our services in innovative , creative and measurable ways .
Furthermore , people ’ s lived experience should be recognised and be at the forefront of strategic development .
Building our evidence base through research
At times , discussions were heavily medically based and therefore it was extremely important to have an occupational therapy representative at this meeting . Not only to advocate and promote the significance , merit and contribution of the profession , but as a great opportunity to evidence our skills and abilities in practice .
There was much consideration given to specific statistics and good examples of practice to confirm the impact of professions and approaches within dementia care .
Collier and Pool ( 2016 ) concur the necessity to develop our practice and thinking . The experience highlighted the need for RCOT and therapists to continue to build a strong research base through Quality Improvement ( QI ) projects and sharing our knowledge to extend our evidence-based practice and our continuing professional development .
National shared learning
Consideration was also given to the work of the Scottish Government and Alzheimer Scotland , who have continued to develop dementia strategies since 2010 , and key areas of significance and best practice .
Connecting People , Connecting Support ( 2017 ) stresses the important roles for both occupational therapy and AHPs within dementia care , promoting a robust conceptual framework and emphasis for our professions .
It is essential to recognise and be guided by other countries and their inclusion of all health professionals within dementia care .
Alzheimer Scotland and Scottish Government ( 2017 ) Connecting People , Connecting Support – transforming the allied health professionals ’ contribution to supporting people living with dementia in Scotland , 2017-2020 . Edinburgh . Available at https :// bit . ly / 4b1VDMP [ accessed 1 November 2023 ].
Clare L , Bayer A , Burns A et al ( 2013 ) Goaloriented cognitive rehabilitation in early-stage dementia : Study protocol for a multi-centre singleblind randomised controlled trial ( GREAT ). Trials 14 ( 152 ). DOI : https :// bit . ly / 44q7cvk .
Collier L and Pool J ( 2016 ) Special issue : Dimensions of dementia , British Journal of Occupational Therapy , 79 ( 2 ): 63-64 . DOI : https :// bit . ly / 3UlHwMM .
Creek J and Lougher L ( 2014 ) Creek ’ s occupational therapy and mental health ( 5th ed ). Edited by W Bryant , J Fieldhouse and K Bannigan . Churchill Livingstone .
Royal College of Occupational Therapists ( 2021 ) What is occupational therapy ? Available at https :// bit . ly / 3W4kqvC [ accessed 1 November 2023 ].
UK Government ( 2023 ) Major Conditions Strategy : case for change and our strategic framework . Available at https :// bit . ly / 3xBgSGR [ accessed 1 November 2023 ].
Wittenberg R et al ( 2019 ) Projections of older people with dementia and costs of dementia care in the United Kingdom 2019-2040 . London . Available at www . modem-dementia . org . uk [ accessed 1 November 2023 ].
Words MARIANNE ELLIOT , Co-Dementia Lead for RCOT Specialist Section – Older People and Specialist Occupational Therapist in the Older People ’ s Community Mental Health Team , North Edinburgh ( NHS Lothian ). Contact
@ OTMarianneE or marianne . elliot @ nhslothian . scot . nhs . uk
May 2024 OTnews 21