Enhanced practice
Enhanced practice
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• Urgent and proactive care to facilitate early and effective support to enable people remain at and / or return home .
• Advancing the role of occupational therapy in primary care and prevention to contribute to reducing health inequalities , including advancing the role of occupational therapy in supporting people within ongoing health conditions to return or remain in work .
• Advancing the role of occupational therapy in mental health .
• The role of occupational therapy to support children and young people to reach their potential in education and to transition into adulthood .
• Increasing the evidence base and articulation of outcomes for occupational therapy including harnessing social value and impact .
Throughout this process , internal and external review was completed to ensure that equality , diversity , inclusion and belonging ( EDIB ) principles and actions were explicit in the curricula development process and curricula .
Stakeholder data was collected , and thematic analysis completed . The development of the enhanced practice schema and model curricula is a fantastic opportunity to help shape the career pathways for occupational therapists .
Providing meaningful career pathways and progressing the development of profession-specific skills is essential to retain valued staff .
What does this look like and what ’ s its focus ?
The schema can be used by higher education institutes ( HEIs ) to facilitate the design and delivery of postgraduate education for enhanced level practice , and also by employers and practitioners to provide a guide to this level of practice .
Enhanced level practice training can be delivered through a number of routes ; apprenticeship or continuing professional development ( CPD ), with options for academic credits .
The schema and curricula has been developed around the four pillars of practice – clinical , research , education and leadership – and for England is mapped to the Enhanced Practitioner Apprenticeship standard and occupational duties .
It also cites examples of evidence that may be used to demonstrate learning , either as part of a module / CPD , or on-the-job training , and pathway examples that illustrate current workforce priorities and alignment to key profession-specific frameworks .
Benefits and impact on the workforce
This method of work-based learning provides a dual function of meeting the needs of the employee ,
Enhanced practice webinars
Are you interested in delivering enhanced practice education or embedding enhanced practice as an occupational therapist ?
We ’ re hosting an enhanced practice webinar series in May and June 2024 , to inform inspire and develop your understanding of occupational therapy enhanced practice .
The first session , aimed at Higher Education Institutions , had already taken place by the time this magazine went to press , but it ’ s not too late to sign up for the Enhanced Practice Employer webinar and Q & A .
• Wednesday 22 May 2023 2-3pm : Enhanced Practice Employer Webinar
• Monday 24 June 2024 : Enhanced Practice Question and Answer Session To sign up for a webinar email Practice . Workforce @ rcot . co . uk .
• Further information on enhanced practice : https :// bit . ly / 4a52fcv and https :// bit . ly / 4blQ3VC
• Employers guide : https :// bit . ly / 4bftzWc
• Schema and FAQs can be accessed at : https :// bit . ly / 4aUutYy
developing their knowledge , skills and behaviours , and also meeting the workforce development needs of the organisation .
Enhanced practice should be developed and delivered by education providers through workbased learning in partnership with employers . This approach , using real-life situations to provide learners with the opportunity to apply their academic and practice skills , will ensure authentic experiences for learning that can be achieved in a workplace setting and can be designed to meet an identified workplace need .
If the learner is utilising the apprenticeship pathway , the success of the apprenticeship depends on the employers , apprentices and education provider working in partnership to support off-thejob and on-the-job training .
Exposure to a wide range of clinical , professional and personal development through on-the-job learning will enable apprentices to gain the breadth of experiences across all four pillars of professional practice , including working alongside uni- and multiprofessional teams to develop their understanding and application of enhanced level practice .
Words DR KIM STUART , Associate Professor , AHP Development Lead at Coventry University , CLAIRE ARDITTO , Regional Head of Allied Health Professions ( AHPs ) and Health and Care Professions , and LOUISE HENSTOCK , Directorate Lead for Learning and Teaching at the University of Salford
May 2024 OTnews 19