OTnews May 2023 | Page 9



RCOT survey shines a light on the impact of living with Long Covid
In November 2022 , occupational therapy professionals from all four UK nations took part in RCOT ’ s workforce survey . As part of this , RCOT asked occupational therapists about the impact of Long Covid on their personal and professional lives .
Health and social care professionals are more likely to be affected by Long Covid , as are females and people aged between 35 and 69 , and a high percentage of occupational therapists fit all three of these categories . Of the 153 occupational therapists who shared their personal experiences of Long Covid with us , 126 had Long Covid themselves , 20 were caring for a family member or dependent with the condition , and seven were both caring for someone with the condition while also having Long Covid themselves .
The survey told us that for 85 %, Long Covid had negatively affected their quality of life , while for 81 % of those supporting someone with Long Covid , caring responsibilities had increased . Only 29 % had been able to access effective health advice and intervention .
We also discovered that 58 % had needed to make changes to their working arrangements , although under half ( 42 %) had been able to access effective support from their employer .
Finally , just 14 % of those who had attempted to access financial benefits had been successful .
Lauren Walker , RCOT Professional Adviser told OTnews : ‘ While our survey focused on the experiences of OTs , our recommendations are relevant to everyone affected by Long Covid . Anyone with Long Covid must be able to access effective , personalised health interventions to help them manage their symptoms . This should include access to occupational therapy .
‘ We would like to see employers be flexible and supportive in identifying ways to help employees with Long Covid , and those caring for someone with Long Covid , remain in or return to work . And people with Long Covid

85 %

of respondents said Long Covid had negatively affected their quality of life
should be able to access financial support . This includes classifying Long Covid as an occupational disease .’
She added : ‘ The experiences shared by occupational therapists are not unique to our profession . The financial , social and workplace implications of Long Covid are felt by thousands of people across the UK .
‘ The data shared by OTs is especially concerning , as there are significant shortages within the occupational therapy workforce . Enabling OTs affected by Long Covid to remain in work , using flexible and personalised approaches , is essential both for their own wellbeing , as well as for the health of the profession as a whole .’
RCOT has submitted the report as evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Coronavirus – and requested a meeting with the chair Layla Moran MP – the Scottish Government ’ s Long Covid Inquiry , the UK Covid-19 Inquiry , and the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry .
Download the full report at https :// bit . ly / 3AQx19y . For more on the Workforce Survey results see pages 12-13 of this issue .

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May 2023 OTnews 9