OTnews May 2023 | Page 7



RCOT launches Research Connect , to build research confidence through networking
RCOT Research Connect is a virtual network for members to connect , share knowledge and build research confidence . Launched on 17 April , the network is hosted on a closed LinkedIn group available to all RCOT members .
You could be a learner , an early career researcher , a more experienced researcher , or just curious to learn more . All you need to join is a LinkedIn account and once your request to join the group has been approved , you are free to start posting and engaging in the network .
You could have a specific question about a project or applying for funding , or you might have an opportunity or some knowledge to share . The aim of the network is to develop a vibrant research community and create a space where members can discuss research and develop confidence among other occupational therapists and learn from one another .
This is something we have successfully trialled within our monthly virtual research cafés , an hour facilitated by RCOT staff for members to discuss various topics of research , and it is hoped that the two will complement each other .
Key to the network are RCOT ’ s 52 research champions , who applied to volunteer their time
and energy to support the network . They are varied in their experience and background in research , but all meeting Level 4 on Research and Leadership pillars of RCOT ’ s Career Development Framework .
Some are learners or at the start of their research journey and others have published papers and are well-established researchers in their field . Across the spectrum , each have valuable skills , knowledge and experience to help support members in the network . Look out for future opportunities to become a research champion .
RCOT promised to establish an Occupational Therapy Research Network to support the development of a research community in 2019 , with the publication of the 2019-2024 Research and Development Strategy .
With setbacks due to the pandemic , we are delighted to be where we are now , creating a space to enhance research capability and capacity for occupational therapists across the UK and hope that this opens up opportunities for you engage in and with research . Join the LinkedIn group and find out more at https :// bit . ly / 3Lv9v8x .
New research findings will guide future extra care housing development
The findings from the Supporting People Living With Dementia in Extra Care Housing Project ( DemECH ) have been published . The research from this project investigated the advantages and disadvantages of three different extra care housing models : a separate area or unit for people living with dementia ; an integrated approach by supporting people living with dementia alongside residents without dementia ; and schemes that are exclusive for people living with dementia .
DemECH was an 18-month study funded by the NIHR School for Social Care Research and led by the University of Worcester ’ s Association for Dementia Studies , which uses a mixed methods approach to explore how extra care housing can help people to live well with dementia .
The Housing LIN was a partner on the project and the study findings were launched at reception at the House of Lords on 7 March 2023 , hosted by Lord Best , Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group inquiry into housing for people with dementia .
Three booklets have been developed to provide key insights from the research project , and to guide future extra care housing development , alongside video and audio diaries sharing direct experience of people living with dementia and their experience of extra care housing .
The three new insight booklets are targeted at commissioners , health and social care practitioners , older people , people living with dementia and their families and can be accessed via Housing Lin website at https :// bit . ly / 441GrfP .
Key Insights
Key Insights
Key Insights
Extra Care Housing for people living with
Extra Care Housing : A booklet for people and families affected by dementia dementia : A booklet for adult social care commissioners & professionals
Front cover
What is ECH ?
Extra Care Housing : A booklet for organisations providing Extra Care Housing for people living with dementia
Front cover
What is ECH ?
May 2023 OTnews 7