Feature disorders , particularly when it impacts primarily receptive language .
In addition , there are various tasks while using public facilities that can be a challenge for a person with a language disorder , such as reading a bill , using a self-service machine , or speaking to a member of staff .
How do we facilitate travel training ?
As occupational therapists , we promote and enable autonomy in everyday tasks . The ability to access the community is a critical factor in determining a student ’ s level of independence . Due to occupational therapists ’ emphasis on the environment and the specific person to facilitate independence , social engagement and participation in the community , travel training should be essential to all occupational therapy programmes ( Brown 2009 ; Lindsay 2020 ).
There have been many benefits to travel training outlined in the literature , for example the ability to navigate the community successfully has increased the likelihood of students with additional needs gaining employment ( Zalewska et al 2016 ).
While the need for travel training is evident ( Lindsay and Lamptey 2019 ), there are few resources and little information available to occupational therapists , to prepare a graded approach to travel training intervention among communities .
With this in mind , Moor House has developed an independent travel pass system . This system commences with moving around your school , to going into the local community with a peer , then going to nearby towns , and completes with independently travelling around London .
The travel pass system determines where the students can go during lunch breaks or during residential time . This is a highly motivating factor for students .
Within each travel pass , there is a set of requirements and skills that must be achieved . Students must independently demonstrate all of these skills three consecutive times before progressing to their next pass .
Due to the graded approach , there are further challenges as the student progresses through the travel system . This system can be adapted to many different school settings and their local area .
Travel training is an intervention that can target many independent living skills in real-life scenarios and provides students with the confidence and capability to navigate various communities .
It allows students to have the necessary life skills to start new journeys after they leave Moor House School and College and support the transition into future education or employment .
Brown Y ( 2009 ) Promoting participation : Addressing transport needs within occupational therapy , British Journal of Occupational Therapy , 72 ( 11 ): 471-471 .
Burridge D , Ni Fhlatharta M ( 2022 ) Developing leisure skills : A step by step guide to using the WHEEL OF INDEPENDENCE™ Framework for developing life skills in young people , Moor House School and College , Oxted , UK .
Lindsay S ( 2020 ) Accessible and inclusive transportation for youth with disabilities : Exploring innovative solutions , Disability and Rehabilitation , 42 ( 8 ): 1131-1140 .
Lindsay S , Lamptey D ( 2019 ) Pedestrian navigation and public transit training interventions for youth with disabilities : A systematic review , Disability and Rehabilitation , 41 ( 22 ): 2607-2621 .
Precin P , Otto M , Popalzai K , Samuel M ( 2012 ) The role for occupational therapists in community mobility training for people with autism spectrum disorders , Occupational Therapy in Mental Health , 28 ( 2 ): 129-146 .
Sachdeva R , Shashidhar Rao C ( 2012 ) Community participation activities involving money handling skills of children with learning disability as compared to children with typical development aged 10 to 14 years , Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy , 44 ( 2 ): 25-31 .
Zalewska A , Migliore A , Butterworth J ( 2016 ) Self-determination , social skills , job search , and transportation : Is there a relationship with employment of young adults with autism ? Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation , 45 ( 3 ): 225-239 .
Words JENNIFER O ’ LEARY , Specialist Occupational Therapist , Moor House School and College . For more detail on the travel pass and the The WHEEL OF INDEPENDENCE™ Framework , which was originally developed at Moor House , jennyolearyot @ gmail . com
7 %
of children have developmental language disorder ( DLD )
May 2023 OTnews 27