Strike action has won higher pay for all NHS staff
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Strike action has won higher pay for all NHS staff
UNISON members , including occupational therapy staff in the NHS , voted last month by a clear margin to accept the government ’ s improved pay offer for England after months of strike action and on 2 May that deal was confirmed at the NHS Staff Council .
This result shows the power of union members and NHS staff standing together . Over the next few months , UNISON will be balloting members , including some occupational therapy staff who work in local government and higher education , so if you receive a ballot vote ‘ yes ’ to fight for better pay across the public sector .
What has been won
UNISON members , including occupational therapy staff holding membership through BAOT / RCOT , voted 74 % to 26 % to accept the government ’ s pay offer in a two-week online consultation last month and UNISON and BAOT voted together in NHS Staff Council early this month to strike that deal .
While the deal extracted from the government is far from perfect , it was won in the face of a hostile government that did not want to re-open 2022-23 pay .
After months of complete refusal and attempts to divide the union movement , NHS staff in England on ‘ Agenda for Change ’ terms and conditions have won :
• An extra one-off lump sum , which begins at £ 1,655 for the lowest paid staff and rises in value up the pay bands .
• An increase of 5 % on their basic pay point for 2023 / 24 , worth at least £ 1,065 , backdated to 1 April 2023 .
16 OTnews May 2023