International researchers to study children ’ s play in Scotland
Queen Margaret University ( QMU ) in Edinburgh has welcomed four fully-funded international PhD students as part of a £ 2.2 million EUfunded programme dedicated to supporting children ’ s play .
P4Play is an EU-funded PhD programme in occupational science for occupational therapists , dedicated to enabling play and addressing the challenges of play deprivation Dr Sarah Kantartzis due to poverty , disabilities , migration , age or gender .
The four students ( from a total cohort of eight ) who will be studying jointly at QMU are from Austria , Germany , Spain and the US . They will work together with 15 partner organisations , including advocacy groups such as The East Lothian Play Association and Play Scotland . of play across diverse groups . We are delighted to be part of
Dr Sarah Kantartzis , senior lecturer in occupational therapy a programme that is nurturing a new generation of early stage at QMU , said : ‘ Children have a right to play , and its benefits researchers who can translate and implement innovative play on wellbeing , education and health are well known . Scotland solutions to benefit the health and wellbeing of diverse children , is already very advanced in its thinking about play , and this families and communities .’ programme will allow children to tell us about their world , influence The P4Play programme is the first joint doctoral programme policy and promote their rights to play . of its kind and is a collaboration between the departments of
‘ Some of the projects will look at characteristics of play and Occupational Science and of Occupational Therapy at QMU , issues arising around gender and poverty , others will look at play Lulea University of Technology , Sweden , and Zurich University spaces and policy implementation . We believe the outcome of the of Applied Sciences . It is co-ordinated by University College research will open play opportunities for children at risk of play Cork , with funding from the EU ’ s Horizon 2020 programme . The deprivation . programme is named after the four areas it will look at : people ,
‘ This is a unique opportunity for graduates to collaborate place , policy and practice . across Europe and develop knowledge about the importance Find out more at : www . p4play . eu .
Standardised uniform for clinical staff in the NHS in England under consultation
Occupational therapists could be given a new national uniform involvement of professional bodies and staff , and limited options . for staff in the NHS in England , with RCOT urging members to There is particular concern around the allocation of all allied respond to a consultation about the proposals . health professions into four groups . The timing of this work during
The proposals would see just four professional groupings for the pandemic has also been questioned . all allied health professionals , with burgundy , green , white and The current consultation , which runs until 31 May , asks staff to grey colouring , with support workers identified with paler shades . feed back on whether they think a national uniform approach is a Occupational therapists and osteopaths would share a colour good idea , and includes some questions about potential garment grouping . style and features .
The idea for a new national uniform has come from NHS Supply Lauren Walker , RCOT professional adviser , said : ‘ It is welcome Chain : Hotel Services , which suggests a new uniform would offer a to see the NHS taking a more consistent and sustainable stronger identity and allow cost savings in purchasing . approach to sourcing staff uniforms . Occupational therapists Currently local trusts can select design , styles and colours , with need uniforms that are practical for the tasks that they perform concerns that there are now confusing variations in uniform . in their daily work , and that provide a strong , clear professional
£ 23 million is spent on uniforms every year , with NHS Supply identity . Chain suggesting costs could be cut by 30 per cent . There are ‘ We encourage members to contribute to the current survey to 30,000 product lines in England , compared with 64 in NHS ensure that the needs and preferences of occupational therapists Scotland , which already has a national healthcare uniform . are robustly reflected in the uniform re-design .’ However , RCOT has co-signed a letter raising concerns about Respond to the consultation at : www . smartsurvey . co . uk / s / how the plans have progressed , with hurried timings , limited NationalHealthcareUniform .
6 OTnews May 2021