OTnews July | Page 3

Editor ’ s note

Editor ’ s note

Welcome to OTnews

Over 1,000 people came together virtually last month to share in RCOTs 45th Annual Conference . It was a lively and engaging two days , with a programme shaped around four ‘ top priority ’ themes – chosen by you , our members – that reflect the times , issues and challenges we face as a profession .
The many and varied plenary sessions , papers , posters and presentations looked at how we overcome the barriers in the way that health and social care are connected to ensure positive outcomes for people , and how we demonstrate the impact of occupational therapy and how it contributes to achieving health equity .
Delegates also examined aspects of digital innovation , digital driven improvements and digital literacy – a key area for the future of health and social care – and discussed how we future proof our profession by using occupational therapy skills to innovate across the wider health and social care sectors .
On pages 14 to 23 this issue , I report on just some of the highlights from the four themes . If you were a registered delegate , you can still access all of conference online until the end of December . If you didn ’ t get a chance to attend this year , why not save the date for Annual Conference 2023 now ?
In other features this month we celebrate Disability Pride Month with an article from the volunteer-led networking and advocacy group ABLEOTUK , where members reflect on their achievements one year on . Turn to page 40 to read more .
On pages 26-28 , Jon Fisher explains how occupational therapists like him are helping people make a lasting recovery from addiction while addressing health inequities and why he is so passionate about his role .
While on pages 30-31 , occupational therapists from the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre Stanford Hall give us an insight into their ‘ unique ’ role and the therapeutic opportunities that are available to the people they support .
And if you are feeling ‘ ready to leave work , but not to stop being an occupational therapist ’, turn to pages 52-54 , where , in a fascinating reflection , Sue Hilsdon shares her journey into retirement and beyond .
I hope you enjoy this issue , and remember , if you want to share your innovative service developments , learning experiences and career reflections in a future issue , get in touch now .
I ’ d love to hear from you
Cover image : mixetto via Getty Images
If you have any feedback about this issue of OTnews , or would like to contribute a short article or feature for a future publication , please email me at : editorial @ rcot . co . uk
Tracey Samuels Editor
July 2022 OTnews 3