OTnews July 2023 | Page 3

Editor ’ s note

Editor ’ s note

Welcome to OTnews

Welcome to the July issue of OTnews , where we ’ ve got an eclectic mix of news and features lined up for you .
First , we want everyone to share their views on RCOT ’ s newly-launched draft Equity , Diversity and Belonging ( EDB ) strategy . It ’ s based on the views and needs of you – our members – colleagues and stakeholders with direct experience of , or insights into , the discrimination and disadvantages members and people they provide services to face .
So don ’ t miss your opportunity to read our EDB priorities and aims and feed into the consultation , between 26 June and 18 August . Find out more on pages 2 and 7 .
July is Disability Pride Month . It ’ s a month to celebrate each person ’ s uniqueness and open up conversations around stigma , discrimination and the contributions of disabled people . To help celebrate , we ’ ve changed the ‘ O ’ on our front cover masthead to the updated Disability Pride flag from 2021 , designed by Ann Magill .
And on pages 28-29 , we hear from the ABLE Expert Advisory Group about their experience of acting as a ‘ critical friend ’ to RCOT , as part of the pilot project to set up the ABLE , BAME and LGBTQIA + steering groups – recently renamed as expert advisory groups .
In other features we look at a range of service developments and continuing professional development initiatives .
On pages 30-33 , Diane Lane and Sam Dawson evaluate a system-wide training project for single-handed care , to support reduction in delays to hospital discharges within Medway Community Healthcare .
While on pages 34-37 , Abigail Matthews tells us why the Hereford Neighbourhood Mental Health Team introduced the Occupation Matters programme , and how the people who access their services are benefitting .
And how do we know if we ’ re doing a good job ? This was a question the occupational therapists within the Home Improvement Agency at West Berkshire Council were asking themselves , as part of a project to measure their impact . On pages 38-41 , Hilary Smart explains what they did to answer it .
I ’ d love to hear from you
Tracey Samuels Editor
If you have any feedback about this issue of OTnews , or would like to contribute a short article or feature for a future publication , please email me at : editorial @ rcot . co . uk
July 2023 OTnews 3