Better to try and decide if it ’ s right , than never to try at all
Anita Laidlaw , RCOT Specialist Section – Independent Practice , is on the committee as its Medico Legal Representative
OTnews : What motivated you to volunteer for RCOT on the Specialist Section national executive committee ? Anita : The invite to join the committee and the motivation to accept and take up this voluntary position was linked to both personal and professional reasons . I have throughout my career been keen to be active in helping promote the profession and support opportunities for learning and expanding my own CPD . Being involved in voluntary positions has always created ways to meet people that I wouldn ’ t have otherwise met and learn from each other .
OTnews : What have you learnt most from the whole experience ? Anita : This is not easy to answer , as learning is ongoing , but if I was going to be bold and transparent , what I have learnt is not a new lesson but a reminder that it ’ s important to recognise that we may all be occupational therapists , but views and opinions can be diverse . Therefore , having respect for other people ’ s views , balanced with courage to express your own , is necessary so we don ’ t become clones in the processes we are involved in , for fear of having an idea rejected .
OTnews : How can we encourage members , who have perhaps never engaged with RCOT before , to volunteer for one of the many opportunities on offer ? Anita : There will always be individuals who never feel led , or never have the desire to volunteer for roles for likely numerous reasons . However , having said that , I consider that some of the likely factors that may hold people back are not having enough time , not believing it ’ s worth it as nothing changes , not feeling they have anything to offer , and believing someone else can do it . My question would be , until you try something how do you know it ’ s not worthwhile ?
Increased volunteers mean an increased share in tasks , so it is easier for all and doesn ’ t have to be time consuming . The more diverse the group who volunteer the more dynamic it can be . COVID-19 has shown that online remote meetings work and may be the way forward . You are not married to the task of being a volunteer , so isn ’ t it better to try and decide if its right for you or not , than never try at all ?
OTnews : What would you say to someone thinking of putting themselves forward this year ? Anita : Have a go , what have you got to lose ? However , it is important to be realistic with your time and boundaries , so if volunteering , make it a conscious and deliberate plan to fit tasks into a priority list for a season of your career and not an add on that would then become a drudgery . To benefit and enjoy volunteering make sure you have a boundary of what you can offer and stick to it .
OTnews : And finally , what are the main challenges to getting involved with the professional community , and how have you overcome these ? Anita : From observation , more than my own personal experience , I would consider that knowing who is out there is a challenge , so communication has to be two-way ; it ’ s a work in progress how to encourage connections – when I know the answer I will tell you !
For more information about all the specialist sections , how to join , and how to get more involved visit : www . rcot . co . uk / about-us / specialist-sections / about-specialist-sections .
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58 OTnews July 2021