OTnews July 2021 | Page 43

By completing their programme , young people demonstrate appraisal of their abilities , and they report increased levels of independence and confidence .
The café manager and assistant roles are two of the most absorbing roles to engage with , as they involve running the Real Work Simulation Café , otherwise known as The Hangout Lounge Café .
The Hangout Lounge Café is facilitated once a fortnight on a Friday in an off-ward therapy room , where hospital staff and young people can attend and purchase goods , food and drinks . The café is operated on the day by the café manager and café assistant , with the support of the occupational therapy assistants .
This allows the young people to engage in a professional manner with staff and operate in a different environment to the ward-based roles .
Food and drinks for the café are prepared in cooking sessions on the wards , available for all young people to engage in within a group setting . The role of the ward-based cleaner offers an opportunity to take responsibility for the ward environment they are living in . The duties of the role vary , depending on the needs of the ward at the time , from ensuring the overall cleanliness of the communal ward areas , to assisting with organising the ward equipment and helping to improve display boards .
The cleaning responsibilities enable the young person to play a vital role within infection control as part of COVID-19 precautions , ensuring the health and safety of both staff and service users while on the ward .
The ward-based cleaner role is not only a great way to gain work experience and develop employability skills , but it also helps the young person to practise important activities of daily living skills , which will be invaluable as they develop their independence when preparing for discharge .


Real work simulation enabled me to improve my self-esteem and confidence , while giving me valuable skills .
Quote from a young person in the magazine editor role , January to April 2021
Finally , the role of the magazine editor is perhaps one of the roles that offers the most opportunity for creative expression and originality . The magazine editor is responsible for curating a unique collection of stories to feature in the quarterly magazine .
Previous editions of the Potters Bar clinic ’ s magazine have featured a range of pieces including recent social events on the ward , interviews with mental health professionals , and a showcase of the creative work made by other young people .
A key aspect of this role involves communicating with other service users to collect submission pieces and to research other ’ s interests to ensure the magazine caters to a diverse range of interests . This role offers an opportunity to develop literary and graphic design skills , as well as requiring good time management and organisational skills to complete work by set deadlines – skills that will help prepare them for further education , as well as the workplace .
The real work simulation programme is also supported by our peer support mentor , who has contributed to developing the programme . Our peer support mentor has taken an active role in encouraging young people to engage within the roles and to gain a firm understanding of the benefits of employment and the impact it has on the person and their recovery pathway .
The programme has been an invaluable instrument to motivate and encourage the young people to engage , participate and become more involved in service user-led initiatives within the low secure CAMHS service .
Sandra Adisa , senior occupational therapist , Guy Duffield , occupational therapy assistant , Lauren Sherratt , occupational therapy assistant , and Leroy Mckellop , peer support mentor , Elysium Healthcare Potters Bar Clinic
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OTnews July 2021 43