Are you prepared for the upcoming HCPC audit ?
Every two years the Health and Care Professions Council ( HCPC ) randomly selects 2.5 per cent of occupational therapists for an audit of their continuing professional development ( CPD ) profile .
The purpose of these audits is to ensure that occupational therapists are continuing to learn and are applying this learned knowledge in their working lives .
This process can be a daunting one , as HCPC requires proof of all CPD undertaken , and evidence of application . Occupational therapists are busy people and RCOT wants them to feel as ready and prepared as possible when they are selected for an audit . That is why RCOT is helping members prepare for the audits by streamlining guidance on how to collect , present , and record your CPD .
A ‘ hub ’ page has been put together on the RCOT website . On the hub you can access : information on what CPD is , and how it can be recorded ; a webinar detailing the CPD standards , audit process , and outcomes ; links directly to audit tools ; and details on who to talk to if you have questions .
All audit information must be uploaded to the HCPC portal . Physical submission of audits are no longer accepted . For occupational therapists , the profile submission dates are between 1 August 2021 and 31 October 2021 . You can access HCPC audit information at : www . rcot . co . uk / HCPC-audit .
Allied health professionals ( AHPs ) are increasingly expected to contribute to research activity . However , we know little about current AHP research activity across the NHS or social care . We also know very little about how confident or how well supported AHPs feel within their teams and organisations to engage in research activity . All AHPs working in the NHS or local authorities in the UK are invited to complete this important national survey , whether you are involved in research or not . The survey asks about your research skills and confidence , and about the support from your employer to engage in research activity or use research findings in practice . Your responses will provide crucial information to help shape the support needed to increase research skills for all AHPs . The survey will take about 20 to 25 minutes to complete and will need to be completed in one sitting . To access the survey visit : https :// leeds . onlinesurveys . ac . uk / ahp-perceptions-of-research-inthe-nhs-copy
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OTnews July 2021 11