© FilippoBacci via Getty Images
… services have become very proficient in their use of IT , and Zoom classes in fitness , cookery and gardening , as well as Zoom coffee chats , all became the norm .” was via a reconfiguration of a vacant post .
The original aim was to try to provide residents with weekend and evening activities , alongside statutory day care , such as going to the cinema , trying out Sailability and assisting residents to access a place of worship .
Owing to the pandemic this programme became a day service on weekdays only . It does not fully replicate statutory day care settings and some residents do ask about friends they have not seen for some time .
The range and frequency of activities offered to residents has increased , but possibly at the expense of the original vision of linking with community groups and resources .
Alternative options and activities
In some care settings , the option of recruiting an activity worker was not available and the service users were suddenly unable to attend their chosen day centres . While the decision was necessary to protect those supported , it impacted greatly on service users and staff alike .
This was the new reality that had to be immediately managed to lessen the anxiety and confusion for all concerned .
The pressure to re-work staff rotas to ensure they could provide adequate staffing during the day to facilitate the chosen activities was difficult and continues to be an issue . However , staff worked collectively during this difficult time for and with the service users , as well as supporting each other .
Services had to ensure that adequate staff were on the rota to facilitate the chosen activities , while still providing all other necessary care and support .
While staffing levels were difficult to manage , the service users ’ participation actively improved over time and services were able to continue to provide person-centred care and support .
Assistance from day care staff who helped during the most difficult times was much appreciated . Services found that shorter activity sessions seemed to work best for service users and allowed for all the normal dayto-day activities , such as personal care , meal times and administration of medication , to take place .
44 OTnews January 2022