OTnews January 2022 | Page 38

Occupational therapists in Lincolnshire recently explored the value of structured peer group supervision , and here they share what they found .

Why choose peer group supervision ?

Occupational therapists in Lincolnshire recently explored the value of structured peer group supervision , and here they share what they found .

L incolnshire County Council ’ s occupational therapy service had already begun a period of transformation in December 2019 , when the COVID-19 pandemic called for a further need to change practice and , in particular , how supervision was delivered and received .

Peer group supervision was explored to see if this could offer greater opportunity for the support and development aspects of supervision to be enhanced , while also providing further transferable skill development .
In order to do this , a pilot project was completed where two different groups met once a month in order to engage in peer group supervision .
Why peer group supervision ?
Research has suggested that peer group supervision can provide a focus on learning and development through the process of critical reflection ( Valentino et al 201 ; Herkt 2005 ). The need to critically evaluate and reflect on one ’ s own practice is an important element of supervision , which enables a clinician to develop self-awareness , consider alternative perspectives and ultimately provide quality intervention ( COT 2010 ; Finlay 2008 ).
Peer group supervision has also been found to help combat feelings of isolation ( Murphy-Hagan 2019 ; Valentino et al 2016 ), which demonstrates its potential for providing support . For peer
38 OTnews January 2022