OTnews January 2022 | Page 32

What can I do ?
To better understand the needs of occupational therapists , the first phase of the project will be to work with members to gather their thoughts and ideas on the quick wins and larger projects that RCOT can support over the next two years . To contribute to these discussions consider participating in one of these activities :
• join the OTalk conversation ‘ Improving our data literacy skills ’, led by RCOT ’ s Suzy England , on 25 January 2022 , at 8pm ;
• join one of our RCOT sessions on 3 February at 12.30pm to 1.30pm or 8 February at 6.30pm to 7.30pm , to have your say on the priority activities for implementing the Data and Innovation Strategy in 2022 . To book www . rcot . co . uk / events ;
• complete our ‘ Occupational therapists data literacy learning and development needs ’ survey , which is open now and closes on 7 February 2022 www . rcot . co . uk / practiceresources / informatics ;
• participate in two webinars hosted by the Faculty of Informatics : Digital skills in social care , on 27 January , at 12.30pm to 1.30pm , and Data learning and development needs for occupational therapists working in social care , on 11 March at 12.30pm to 1.30pm . To sign up https :// facultyofclinicalinformatics . org . uk / webinars .
The challenge for the profession
If we believe we are making a difference for individuals and communities , then it is up to us to find out what matters to people and identify ways to ensure we are recording this in a format that is easily extracted and shared with others to support self-management and enable better decision making , based on real time data that captures the value of occupational therapy .
England S ( 2021 ) Occupational therapy data – the most valuable commodity ? British Journal of Occupational Therapy , 84 ( 12 ): 733-734 . doi : 10.1177 / 03080226211058360
Royal College of Occupational Therapists ( 2021 ) Data and Innovation Strategy ( 2021-2023 ) Available at : www . rcot . co . uk / practice-resources / informatics
Occupational therapists are privileged to work with individuals , recognising their unique profiles of abilities and circumstances , and personalising the use of daily activities as therapeutic elements within their holistic care plans .
Underpinning all clinical practice is the use of information about the individual , as part of care planning and care provision , as well as to facilitate clinical audit and clinical research .
The RCOT Data and Innovation Strategy ( 2021-2023 ) provides a guide for all occupational therapists to make better use of data and information , whether their role is clinical , managerial , or research focused .
I was personally involved in local and national projects to improve data and information , alongside roles I had as an occupational therapist , team leader and national lead . Information management developments were often very challenging , but also very rewarding , and I can highly recommend getting involved . There are many ways you can contribute :
• to ensure local care records can have more direct input from service users ;
• to make records accessible across organisational boundaries where appropriate ;
• to design in data fields that enable routine clinical audit , with minimal burden ; and
• to use and support the common language ( SNOMED CT ). I am sure you have ideas for improvements to digital care records in your area . Now is the time to join up with other occupational therapists and make a difference .
Words CHRIS AUSTIN , AHP data improvement lead NHS England , 2016 to 2018
Words SUZY ENGLAND , RCOT professional adviser in health informatics . To keep up to date and / or contribute to the data and innovation activities throughout 2022 , you can : charlene . johnsoncrooks @ rcot . co . uk , @ RCOT _ Suzy # RCOTDatastrategy , or visit www . rcot . co . uk / practice-resources / informatics
32 OTnews January 2022