from £ 2,699 ( instalment plans available ). www . sensoryintegration . org . uk / page-18208
27 APRIL 2021
Hypermobility / Ehlers Danlos Syndrome in adults and children : clinical assessment and management NCORE Trainer : Alison Middleditch . This course will provide participants with the opportunity to review and discuss the assessment treatment and management of Joint Hypermobility Syndrome / Ehlers Danlos Syndrome . This will be within a functional framework and based on the best of the latest evidence . The course will consider hypermobility in all groups including children over the age of seven , athletes and adults – including those with a late diagnosis and those with complex problems . CPD : 7.5 hours . Venue : London Road Community Hospital , Derby DE1 2QY . Cost : £ 160 . Contact : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or telephone 01332 254679 . www . ncore . org . uk
28 – 29 APRIL 2021
Posture and balance as it relates to selective control of the lower limb NCORE Trainer : Erica Malcolm . Course Aims : Understand the terms posture and balance as they relate to a ' normal movement ' perspective ; Identify key aspects involved in maintaining the integrity of the lower limb in the early stages of recovery post CVA ; Relate the ability to control ' selective ' movement of the lower limb to overall posture and balance ; Structure an assessment of the lower limb taking into account alignment , tone , patterns of movement , and relate this to potential for function ; Identify when a lower limb is / is not able to be facilitated and why . CPD : 14.5 hours . Venue : London Road Community Hospital , Derby DE1 2QY . Cost : £ 220 . Contact : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or telephone : 01332 254679 . www . ncore . org . uk
28 AND 29 APRIL 2021
Occupational therapy tools for autism spectrum disorder – working with children and their families . Royal Free paediatric occupational therapy team This essential interactive course is aimed at paediatric occupational therapists who want to develop their knowledge and skills in working with children with ASD from specialists in this field . The course provides in-depth analysis of best practice interventions , including sensory and behavioural issues using the latest evidence-based approaches , plus a copy of the OT Tools for ASD handbook . Venue : Remote . Cost : £ 250 Tickets on Eventbrite . Contact : alison . butterworth1 @ nhs . net
29 APRIL 2021
Masterclass : Parkinson ' s Disease Royal College of Occupational Therapists Facilitated by Ana Aragon , this masterclass will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to provide evidence based , condition specific interventions for people with Parkinson ’ s and related movement disorders as well as increasing awareness of relevant policy , professional best practice guidelines and sources of information . Venue : Royal College of Occupational Therapists . Cost : Member £ 160 ; Non-member £ 300 . Contact : ExhibitionsOfficer @ rcot . co . uk www . rcot . co . uk / parkinsons21
5 MAY 2021
Compassion for voices NCORE Trainers : Peter Ord and Mark Sanderson . This one-day event is for anyone interested in learning about the latest ideas and approaches from around the world in understanding and responding to voice hearing . CPD : 7 hours . Venue : Park Inn , Northampton NN1 2TA . Other date : 13 May 2021 at London Road Community Hospital , Derby DE1 2QY ). Cost : £ 130 . Contact : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or tel : 01332 254679 . www . ncore . org . uk
6 MAY 2021
Creativity Vs Science : The juxtaposition of occupational therapy RCOT Specialist Section – Children , Young People and Families NEC Brock Cook asks how as therapists can we juggle the balance between science and creativity to deliver the best service to our clients ? Venue : Online webinar . Cost : £ 5 . www . eventbrite . co . uk / o / cypf-rcot-specialist-section-childrenyoung-people-and-families-nec-18431701032
12 MAY 2021
Undertaking remote OT assessments Access Independent A course covering the reality of undertaking remote occupational therapy assessments by Skype or similar for adults and children to enable them to live independently at home . The course will consider for example bathing , toileting , access , kitchen assessments etc and is for occupational therapists working for local authorities . The course will be run by Sara Thelwell an occupational therapist experienced in working with local authorities . Venue : Remote – you stay at home or the office . Time : 9.45am to 13.15pm . Cost : £ 36 for first 10 people £ 60 each for others ( incl . VAT ). Contact : Gabriella . Mak @ accessindependent . co . uk or tel : 01223 229 091 .
3 JUNE 2021
Introducing telehealth in paediatrics : Innovations to inform future practice RCOT Specialist Section – Children , Young People and Families Sam Armitage discusses introducing telehealth in children ’ s therapy services : learning from COVID innovations to inform future practice .
56 OTnews January 2021