OTnews January 2020 | Page 59

message from the


Throughout this year we have seen people all around the world deal with changes to every aspect of their lives and , as a result , it has become abundantly clear just how central occupation needs to be to people ’ s lives . Something we , of course , all knew . The pandemic has served to highlight the need for our profession across the UK .
Last year , I concluded my message by saying that occupational therapists need to be positioned at the forefront of health and care in social prescribing , community , public health , and statutory services . This year , as a result of the pandemic , that ’ s exactly where you have been . I ’ m immensely proud of how you have responded . Throughout all the demands and changes , you have continued to deliver a service to the people who need it . You are a real credit to the profession and the health and care services you work in .
As the UK deals with the impact of COVID-19 , the demand on rehabilitation services continues to grow . The provision of personalised and occupational-focused rehabilitation has never been so important or more urgently needed and occupational therapists are uniquely placed to help with it . We will continue to call on each government in the UK to provide more investment and prioritise rehabilitation support .
The survey we carried out over the summer revealed that the impact of COVID-19 on occupational therapy has been profound and varied . We will use the findings to shape how we continue to support you throughout these unprecedented times .
This year saw our Improving Lives , Saving Money campaign draw to a close with the publication of our final report Good work for good health : the difference occupational therapy makes . We will continue to build on the success of this campaign throughout our rehabilitation campaign and our policy work .
We made sure the voice of the profession was heard in the development of multi-professional frameworks across the UK for advanced and consultant levels of practice . And in the upcoming national and local elections , we will promote the profession and the right to rehabilitation and recovery services .
This year will also be remembered as the year that George Floyd was killed ; an event which rightly sparked an outpouring of anger and frustration around the world , including from many of our members . We know we need to do more to improve equality , diversity and inclusion ( EDI ) within our profession and to support the eradication of structural racism in health and social care . The more diverse , equality-driven and inclusive we are , the better placed we ’ ll be to ensure everyone is treated with dignity and respect – as equal members of society with the same choices , rights and privileges .
While we have taken some initial steps in the right direction , 2021 will see even more changes ; including the appointment our first EDI Manager . With their help , we will finalise our EDI strategy to deliver lasting change and I hope to report great progress in this area next year .
With your input we have been able to identify the UK ’ s top 10 occupational therapy research priorities . These priorities will set the research agenda for occupational therapy in the future and help us focus on addressing the unanswered questions that matter the most to people who access and deliver occupational therapy services .
As a profession , we are incredibly strong . As part of a 34,400-strong community , RCOT members can have a powerful voice in shaping the future of our profession ; as demonstrated when thousands of you got involved in Occupational Therapy Week 2020 , which resulted in our messages being seen by millions .
This year ’ s activities were focused on inspiring people from all backgrounds to choose occupational therapy as a career and saw the launch of our dedicated careers website , ChooseOT . co . uk , and our social media campaign , # ChooseOT . This is only the start of our new careers campaign . We are committed to attracting people from all walks of life to the profession .
It is an honour to be Chair of Council , and to help shape the work of your Royal College . I always say that a membership body is only as good as the sum of its members . I ’ ve been privileged and honoured to see how dedicated you are and the positive changes you make every day to people ’ s lives . Thank you .
Diane Cox , Chair of Council