OTnews January 2020 | Page 55

received 2,690,352 visits , with 51 % from
mobile devices , 45 % from desktop computers and 5 % from tablets
52,000 people visited www . rcot . co . uk
2,203 enquiries from members on Professional Practice
Nearly 33,000 people received our monthly newsletter Highlight
We are now supporting 7 degree-level apprenticeship programmes in England ,
with more apprentices than ever before . We ’ re supporting 68 occupational therapy programmes across 37
HEIs and supporting more students to # ChooseOT as a career
Our virtual Elizabeth Casson Lecture , given this
year by Dr Jenny Preston MBE , was watched by
1,113 people – another unprecedented number
We awarded 13 Lifelong Learning Grants
We made 15 different types of resources available
to support educator learning . We had 2,037 downloads of our Managing Sleep CPD short course , in collaboration with the Specialist Section in Neurological Practice
1,500 occupational therapy professionals , students , and apprentices took part in our COVID membership survey to assess the impact of the pandemic : 98 % said the pandemic had impacted their role , responsibilities and duties ; with 60 % providing an alternative method of service delivery such as using remote services ; 63 % said that some of the changes implemented were positive and would like to continue these in the future
website had over 16,000 page views and over 1.1million impressions and 13,300
clicks generated by our social media careers campaign in six weeks
2 Fellowship Awards , 4 Merit Awards , 8 Annual Awards , 4 Grants through the newly-launched RCOT Research Foundation ( previously UKOTRF ), and 1 Early Researcher Prize
Occupational Therapy Week 2020 was the most successful to date . Over 2,300
stories were shared about why you love being occupational therapists . The campaign and the hashtag # ChooseOT had a reach of 6.5 million on social media in one month alone . The campaign website received 19,300 views . The # ChooseOT social wall received over 3,000 views
The RCOT website
received 2,690,352 visits , with 51 % from
mobile devices , 45 % from desktop computers and 5 % from tablets
Each month , nearly
52,000 people visited www . rcot . co . uk
We responded to
2,203 enquiries from members on Professional Practice
Nearly 33,000 people received our monthly newsletter Highlight
We are now supporting 7 degree-level apprenticeship programmes in England ,
with more apprentices than ever before . We ’ re supporting 68 occupational therapy programmes across 37
HEIs and supporting more students to # ChooseOT as a career
Our virtual Elizabeth Casson Lecture , given this
year by Dr Jenny Preston MBE , was watched by
1,113 people – another unprecedented number
We awarded 13 Lifelong Learning Grants
We made 15 different types of resources available
to support educator learning . We had 2,037 downloads of our Managing Sleep CPD short course , in collaboration with the Specialist Section in Neurological Practice
1,500 occupational therapy professionals , students , and apprentices took part in our COVID membership survey to assess the impact of the pandemic : 98 % said the pandemic had impacted their role , responsibilities and duties ; with 60 % providing an alternative method of service delivery such as using remote services ; 63 % said that some of the changes implemented were positive and would like to continue these in the future
Our new ChooseOT . co . uk
website had over 16,000 page views and over 1.1million impressions and 13,300
clicks generated by our social media careers campaign in six weeks
This year we recognised outstanding and significant contributions to the profession with :
2 Fellowship Awards , 4 Merit Awards , 8 Annual Awards , 4 Grants through the newly-launched RCOT Research Foundation ( previously UKOTRF ), and 1 Early Researcher Prize
Occupational Therapy Week 2020 was the most successful to date . Over 2,300
stories were shared about why you love being occupational therapists . The campaign and the hashtag # ChooseOT had a reach of 6.5 million on social media in one month alone . The campaign website received 19,300 views . The # ChooseOT social wall received over 3,000 views