New Year Honours for RCOT members
Congratulations to RCOT members from across the UK who have been recognised in the Queen ’ s New Year Honours list :
• Inga Warren : CBE for services to the care of premature babies ;
• Hazel Winning : OBE for her contribution to health and social care in Northern Ireland ;
• Kate Robertson : OBE for services to occupational therapy ; and
• Amy Farrell : British Empire Medal for services to the NHS during the COVID-19 response ;
• Justine Norris , a former member of RCOT , has also been awarded an MBE for services to the NHS during COVID-19 . Commenting on the awards , RCOT chief executive Julia Scott said : ‘ Huge congratulations to Amy , Hazel , Inga , Kate and Justine , as well as all allied health professionals who have been awarded honours . The awards are thoroughly deserved and these occupational therapists are truly a credit to the profession .
‘ Some of these awards recognise the hard work and dedication that occupational therapists have made throughout their careers , while others particularly highlight their services in the response to COVID-19 .
‘ Every day they have helped , and continue to help , people recover from the virus and to keep vital services going at a time of crisis . Their dedication and determination does them great credit and supports the provision of skilled and high quality occupational therapy services to those in need .’
More details on the honours can be found at : www . gov . uk / government / collections / the-new-year-honours-2021 .
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Purpose : This lectureship is a memorial to Elizabeth Casson ( 1881-1954 ) in honour of her contributions to the profession of occupational therapy . The first woman to be awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of Bristol in 1929 , she specialised in psychiatry and introduced occupational therapy to England , setting up the first school of occupational therapy , Dorset House , in Bristol .
The lectureship is awarded to a member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists ( RCOT ) who is considered by their peers to have made and be making a significant contribution to the development of the profession . The Lecture will be delivered at a prestigious event in November 2021 .
Selection Criteria : The nominee will have made a significant contribution to the profession by : 1 . Being an inspirational professional within their area of practice , research , education or management 2 . Being an excellent communicator as evidenced by testimonial from peers , service users and carers 3 . Making or having made a significant contribution to the development of occupational therapy through professional practice , service improvement , service delivery , research or education 4 . Having provided the opportunity for service users and carers , members of the profession and others to benefit from their work through clinical practice , publications or presentations 5 . Being an active member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists in good standing 6 . Having actively demonstrated use of advanced theory , standards and methods within occupational therapy that improve outcomes for service users and carers and promote public awareness and understanding of the profession ’ s contribution .
Guidelines and nomination form are available from https :// www . rcot . co . uk / news-and-events / awards-andfunding / dr-elizabeth-casson-memorial-lecture or Dominique Le Marchand , Senior Administrative Officer , Royal College of Occupational Therapists , 106-114 Borough High Street , London SE1 1LB . Tel : 020 3141 4617 . Email : dominique . le . marchand @ rcot . co . uk .
Deadline for return of completed nomination form is Friday 26 March 2021 . We will acknowledge receipt of your nomination . We regret that we cannot enter into correspondence on the merits of a particular nomination .
50 OTnews January 2021