OTnews January 2020 | Page 23

Having reduced our waiting list , we then wanted to process as many of the 40 per cent remaining as possible .
These applicants would , ordinarily , have been invited to attend clinic , so we needed an alternative way to ‘ observe ’ walking .
We quickly decided that using video assessment would be relatively easy for most applicants , should they choose to participate , and the most effective and efficient way to enable us to progress applications ; this became phase two .
A video assessment process , guidance and criteria were developed by the team , and permission sought from Warwickshire County Council IT governance , which at the time were covered by changes to working set by the government due to the pandemic . However , this was temporary .
To ensure full data protection compliance for future ; a Data Protection Impact Assessment ( DPIA ) has now been completed . It is important to acknowledge that video assessment is not suitable for all applicants , namely those with variable conditions where the walking distance element needed to be observed through face-to-face assessment , or those unable to participate with video due to the use of technology .
Since June 2020 , we have received around 45 ‘ walking ’ videos . These have enabled us to observe physical traits such as gait , balance and pain , and significantly reduce the number of applicants that would have otherwise been on the waiting list for a face-to-face assessment .
For those unable to send a video , there was an option of a WhatsApp video call to be scheduled with applicants , however the take up on this has been low .
Final phase The final phase was to restart face-to-face assessments via an outdoor clinic for the remaining applicants that could not be decided at telephone or video assessment .
This was meticulously planned and devised through a COVID risk assessment , ensuring that contact was at a minimum . As the weather changes , the COVID risk assessment has been reviewed to encompass the walking element to be assessed on an indoor route .
During this time , we also designed a new matrix for both physical disability and hidden disability assessments , which gave a screening tool for the customer service centre to award , decline or refer to an occupational therapist upon receipt of applications , giving the front end of the operation more structure and leverage .
Telephone assessments are completed mainly for physical disability applications and sometimes for joint physical disability and hidden disability applications .
Hidden disability applications require desktop assessment because of the need to read through supporting evidence , such as consultant letters . Currently , hidden disability application rates are lower than physical disability applications , but it is recognised nationally that these are likely to increase .
This is the opposite in comparison with when hidden disability application numbers soared when DfT changed their legislation to include hidden disability and it first launched on 30 August 2019 . Having developed and successfully tried the new ways of working , this is something we plan to continue . Using the three phases has made our service become a triaged approach , this has shown that we are working more efficiently and waiting time has reduced and reduced the potential for ‘ no shows ’ that were previously encountered when all appointments were face to face in clinic .
Essentially , we are only seeing those that we really need to see . Subsequently as a Blue Badge service , not only has the team been able to continue to process appointments , but it has been able to clear a backlog from before March 2020 , creating smarter and safer ways of working for the future and to prepare us for the future of living in a pandemic .
The team has kept a positive mindset throughout the pandemic ; focusing and working together virtually has been productive , but also helped maintain moral . It has shown how something positive can come out of a time with so much change and uncertainty .
Having found ways to operate in a pandemic , we have cleared our pre-COVID backlog and the current wait time is at a manageable level .
Lauren Taylor , senior occupational therapist and Karen Gill , team manager occupational therapist , Integrated Community Equipment Service ( Assistive Technology and Blue Badge Service ), Integrated Care Services , Social Care and Support , Warwickshire County Council . Email : laurentaylor @ warwickshire . gov . uk
OTnews January 2021 23