The benefits of physical activity
Michelle , Barry and instructor Diane in the gym at Concord Leisure Centre
Copyright Sheffield Mind
Based on her experience at charity Sheffield Mind as their Get Set to Go co-ordinator , Janet Paske looks at supporting people with mental health challenges to be more active , and what you can do to help people overcome the barriers
We know that disabled people enjoy many benefits from physical activity ,
but that they are less likely to participate ( Activity Alliance , 2020 ). We also know that people with severe mental illness face significant physical health inequalities ( Public Health England 2018 ), which can be ameliorated through increased physical activity . Physical activity can also be prescribed ( NICE 2009 ), so reducing medication levels .
As someone who has been physically active my whole life , I was excited to start my first post-qualification role in an 18-month post last June ( 0.4 full time equivalent ), developing and coordinating Sheffield Mind ’ s Get Set to Go service , funded by Sport England , the National Lottery and the England Football League .
Sheffield Mind is in the second wave of ‘ local ’ Minds ( all independent of national Mind ) running this physical activity service , commissioned by national Mind . With supportive management , good quality training materials , central oversight , 19 local Minds and five local volunteer peer mentors , there are many sources of inspiration , information and support .
18 OTnews January 2021