The biggest specialist section is RCOTSS – Children , Young People and Families , so the organisers decided to use an external provider to help them set up their event for November .
That meant there were more bells and whistles for the event . A website carried a general chat section , social media content around the conference , and chat options alongside each presentation . There was information on all speakers and sponsors , as well as easy ways to chat or Zoom call with them directly . And points were awarded for providing feedback , answering questions , and taking part in a quiz which ran between sessions .
Kim Griffin , a speaker at the conference , praises the event as ‘ incredibly seamless and well organised ’, insisting that isn ’ t just because she beat the other 335 attendees to win the quiz .
She says : ’ As an attendee it ’ s great to not have to travel . You can catch up after the event on talks you weren ’ t able to watch , so it has huge benefits .’
As with all the events , there were some networking options , but it didn ’ t quite rival being there in person . ‘ There was a huge amount of chat going on in the commentary next to talks , but not as much direct messaging ,’ says Kim .
‘ There were lots of attendees listed and I recognised some names and faces , but not everyone put a picture up . It would be good if everyone put a picture on at these events as it ’ s great for finding people you recognise , but don ’ t know the surname of .’
The event organisers helped speakers to make sure they had the right sound , lighting and backdrops for giving talks , and Kim recommends other organisers take a leaf of their book . ‘ Especially if you haven ’ t done an online presentation before , it ’ s definitely worth looking up best practice on doing so – there ’ s plenty available online now ,’ she says . ‘ It can be odd to present to a blank screen as you can ’ t see people , but have faith that they are here because they are interested in what you have to say .’
On top of those attending on the day , around 50 more visited the conference website during the following month when talks remained online .
RCOT is holding its own fully virtual annual conference on 30 June and 1 July . The event will allow members to choose their own sessions and build their own programmes to ensure their CPD needs are effectively met , with sessions available both live and on demand after the event . For more information , including submitting your content for conference , visit : www . rcot . co . uk / annual-conference .
To join RCOT ’ s specialist sections , visit : www . rcot . co . uk / ss .
England ’ s National Apprenticeship Week will run from 8 to 14 February , with employers being encouraged by the government to promote the great work of their apprentices and highlighting the many benefits apprenticeships bring to their organisations . The first degree-level apprentices in occupational therapy are due to graduate this summer . Find out more about occupational therapy apprenticeships at : www . rcot . co . uk / degree-level-apprenticeship-occupationaltherapy .
The Health and Care Professions Council ( HCPC ) has launched its second annual diversity data survey , which aims to help the HCPC create and develop strategies , policies and regulatory processes that are inclusive and fair . During 2020 the regulator created a forum to guide it on equality , diversity and inclusion issues . All registrants will receive an individual link to contribute to the survey emailed directly to them for completion by 14 March , and there is more information at : www . bit . do / HCPC-EDI-survey .
Occupational therapy training places in Wales will grow by 10 per cent next year . The rise will see 179 students in training in 2021-22 , up from 163 this year . It represents part of a £ 16 million increase in the health professional training budget , with the government saying it will contribute to achieving the goals set out in A Healthier Wales .
In a feature on RCOT ’ s annual awards in October ’ s OTnews , Nikki Daniels job was incorrectly listed . She is a senior lecturer at the University of Derby , while also conducting postgraduate research within University of Ulster . We apologise for any confusion caused .
OTnews January 2021 11