use the specialist chair and cushions .
As a result of our intervention , the resident ’ s quality of life was significantly improved . They were able to access seating for meal times and social activities , their pain was reduced and their positioning significantly improved .
Continuous development and peer support
Members of the team are continually looking to expand their knowledge and learning of complex seating and postural needs and to support and work alongside other teams across Rotherham .
The occupational therapists within our team have recently developed a peer support group for specialist seating and posture via a virtual platform . This has allowed teams from across Rotherham to meet virtually on a tri-monthly basis to share learning , knowledge , training opportunities and any case studies in relation to posture and seating .
The development of a special interest group within our service also allows us to provide training and support to our multidisciplinary team and also share our work and learning . We have been able to build links and network across our services to ensure consistency of service provision and also streamline our services to provide high quality assessment and care .
Overall , access to a stock chair and sleep system has significantly reduced waiting times for specialist equipment and increased the quality of care we are able to provide to our care home residents , to ensure earlier intervention and prevention of contractures and postural seating issues .
We continue to work alongside other services across Rotherham , to streamline high quality service provision and to ensure our care home residents have equal access to services and assessment .
We feel very fortunate to be able to provide our care homes service across Rotherham and believe our team to be unique in the service we provide . We welcome other teams and services to contact us to build links within the wider community .
Age UK ( 2020 ) Frailty and the NHS Long Term Plan . Available online https :// bit . ly / 3HQ5xp7 [ accessed 10 October 2022 ].
Shelstone H ( 2015 ) The impact of specialist seating on a person ’ s quality of life and functional abilities . Available from the Sheffield Hallam University Research Archive ( SHURA ) at http :// shura . shu . ac . uk / 12187 / [ accessed 10 October 2022 ].
Words AMY BARKER , Occupational Therapist and Team Lead , Care Homes Team , Rotherham
Above left to right : Amy Barker , Rebekah Delap and Amy Julyan
February 2023 OTnews 47