Above : Participant feedback
Feedback and reflections on success
Participant feedback on the group was positive . At the end of each group session , people were asked to complete a simple feedback form asking two specific questions : Do you think participation in today ’ s session has been beneficial to your recovery journey ? How did you enjoy today ’ s group session ? There was also a section for any other comments .
The graphs highlight that the group sessions were not only rated as highly enjoyable , but also beneficial to individuals ’ recovery journeys .
Some of the comments received included : ‘ Last year I relapsed at Christmas and ended up in hospital . It ’ s a hard time for me . Coming to the group has helped me immensely . I didn ’ t drink this Christmas . I thank this group for that .’
And : ‘ I never thought I would ever have the confidence to walk into the National Portrait Gallery and explore all the work . It makes me wonder what I will be able to do next .’
We believe the guided self-discovery group has been a worthwhile and successful group programme . The improved ratings in the assessments used demonstrate positive changes in self-esteem and occupational participation .
The feedback gathered from the group participants highlight the benefits of engaging in a structured group programme in the community and suggest that the group has met its aims .
The process of intervention began with the collection of relevant data about the participants , including referrals from Milestone staff who identified ex-residents who were struggling in the community , with limited support .
The only support on offer were telephone calls from Milestone staff , not because they did not want to offer more , but because it ’ s all they have capacity for as there is currently no aftercare service . We have no doubt that coming along to engage in the group became a lifeline for some of the participants .
Pivotal to the group ’ s success has been its location , the National Art Galleries , and Sam Rutherford , the freelance artist .
Once the group programme finished , members presented their project to the staff and inpatient residents at Milestone and one member , Andrew Corsie , even made a brief speech at the unveiling of their project , saying : ‘ On behalf of the group , I would like to thank Amy and Maria for the past few months and also the Portrait Gallery for the kind donation of the premises [ and ] artist Sam , who has also been very helpful during the sessions she attended .
‘ I personally have found it very interesting and enjoyable on those cold damp Monday mornings . I think we all agree that this has group would benefit all by continuing . I think it is true to say what fantastic things we have on our doorstep here in Edinburgh , but fail to appreciate this a lot of the time .
‘ We are all very proud of what we have achieved in the making of this piece of artwork . It says : “ Life can move on and find new challenges , which are both rewarding and enjoyable ”.’
The artwork the group produced now proudly hangs in the main lounge of Milestone House , where it is hoped to inspire and offer hope to inpatient residents just starting their recovery journey .
Words AMY MACNAMARA , Specialist Occupational Therapist , Milestone House
44 OTnews February 2023