OTnews February 2023 | Page 42

Amy Macnamara talks about an art project to bridge the gap from interim care to community living .



A guided self-discovery group to tackle isolation

Amy Macnamara talks about an art project to bridge the gap from interim care to community living .


esidents typically reside at Milestone House in Edinburgh for a period of 12 weeks . A high percentage of residents have had extensive hospital admissions and have been in hospital for a long period before being transferred to Milestone and some come from the Ritson Alcohol Detox Clinic at Royal Edinburgh Hospital .
We identified that residents often struggle with the transition from our care back into the community and that there can be a lack of follow up input in place when they get home .
While we can clearly identify change in people ’ s occupational performance during their inpatient stay recovery at Milestone , recovery is challenged when they leave our supportive environment to live independently .
As we understand that the process of leaving the supportive environment of Milestone and moving back to the community environment can be stressful , complex and isolating , we wanted to bridge the gap . So , we decided to offer a new guided self-discovery group .
Supporting transition
Our residents already engage in a 12-week occupational therapy group to plan their recovery while residing with us .
The guided self-discovery group is intended to be a follow-on group that takes place at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery , with the intention of supporting residents during the transition stage , preventing any potential break downs once in the community , and promoting continued change in occupational competence , occupational identify , self-esteem and quality of life .
Residents may come into the group with deep feelings of isolation , but discover that others have encountered similar problems and can share such feelings . This can bring a sense of relief as they begin to realise that they are not alone or unique .
Individuals are of course unique to the type of substance use they have become addicted to and how alcohol-related brain damage impacts them . However , inferences in identifying occupational needs and potential interventions for Milestone Residents are based on the observation that individuals in recovery can be grouped into similar occupational issues .
The 90-minute guided self-discovery group is open to all residents who have resided in Milestone House and have been discharged to live independently in the community and each member can attend eight sessions .
We are working in partnership with the National Portrait Galleries and Sam Rutherford , a freelance artist , has been involved in supporting our sessions .
The sessions are structured with a new theme each week : a session to explore self-identity ; two sessions on habits , rituals and routines , in relation to occupational identity ; a guided tour of the galleries with Sam ; social participation and connectedness ; a creative self-identity session with Sam ; a creative session to explore where we are now ; and finial session to bring it all together – who you are makes a difference .
Model , approach and assessment
The theoretical framework for the group is the based on the Model of Human Occupation and the premise that occupational performance is a central force in health , wellbeing , development and change . The main aims of the group are to :
• Encourage reflection and choices over an individual ’ s current routine , roles and interest
42 OTnews February 2023