OTnews February 2023 | Page 27

after gaining permission . We also used QR codes , instead of printing out resources , which kept costs down and was more environmentally friendly , by reducing waste .
Educating pre-GCSE students in this way – through engaging and informative activities – has sparked initial curiosity about occupational therapy .
We believe that this project has the potential to help shape future populations applying for occupational therapy courses and diversify the future workforce to be reflective of the wider population .
Baum CM , Christiansen CH , Bass JD ( 2015 ) ‘ The Person-Environment- Occupation- Performance ( PEOP ) Model ’, in CH Christiansen , CM Baum and JD Bass ( ed .) Occupational therapy : Performance , participation , and wellbeing . Thorofare , NJ : SLACK Incorporated .
Colaianni D , Tovar G , Wilson D , Zapanta H ( 2022 ) ‘ Factors influencing the diversity of occupational therapy students ’, Journal of Occupational Therapy Education , 6 ( 1 ): 1-28 . DOI : doi : 10.26681 / jote . 2022.060102 .
Collins PM and Carr C ( 2018 ) ‘ Exposure to , knowledge of , and interest in occupational therapy and physical therapy as career options ’, Open Journal of Occupational Therapy , 6 ( 2 ): 1-17 . DOI : doi : 10.15453 / 2168-6408.1357 .
Design Council ( 2006 ) The principles of inclusive design . Available at www . designcouncil . org . uk / resources / guide / principles-inclusive-design [ accessed 17 November 2022 ].
Driscoll J ( 2007 ) Practising clinical supervision : A reflective approach for healthcare professionals . ( 2nd ed ). Edinburgh : Balliere Tindall Elsevier .
The project brief
When did you first hear about occupational therapy ? Where was it ? Was it as a result of a personal experience with an occupational therapist ; was it by chance ?
We often hear that people ‘ stumble ’ across occupational therapy , that the profession is misunderstood and that students / graduates had wished they had known about it earlier . If we are to attract and recruit diverse cohorts of students that are fit to serve diverse populations , across the broad landscape of practice , we need to be targeting school-aged children / young people who are considering their academic and vocational choices .
Above left to right : Alexander , Ellie , Charlotte and Jasmine by their poster and resources at the design showcase
Words ELLIE CHRYSANTHOU , CHARLOTTE CLARKE , JASMINE RIMELL , ALEXANDER TER KUILE , now third year occupational therapy students , University of Southampton , and BELINDA WILLIAMS and SARAH MCGINLEY , project supervisors and lecturers , University of Southampton
February 2023 OTnews 27