OTnews December 2021 | Page 5



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# OTsForEquity
We find out how the health equity campaign is gathering momentum and talk to RCOT ’ s Richard Fernandez about the work ahead
Positioning the profession for the future
Steve Ford tells OTnews why he ’ s excited about RCOT launching a new brand , strategy and values in the new year
A reason to get up each day
Heidi Harrison-Price describes a project to develop an adapted support programme using animal assisted therapy
Reflections on launching a career in the midst of a pandemic
Olivia Birks reflects on the challenges and joys of navigating a new NHS job during a global pandemic
Helping homeless people to reclaim and rebuild their lives
How occupational therapists in the Cardiff Homelessness Service are addressing health inequalities
Developing and facilitating a virtual placement week
Vikki Barnes Brown , Jessica Forge and Leanne Wells reflect on meeting the practice placement challenges thrown up by the pandemic
A rollercoaster year
A newly qualified occupational therapist , talks about developing an emerging role in a young carers service
Working together for involvement in research and development activity
Members of the RCOT Patient and Public Involvement Consultation Group decsribe their journey so far
Clean air – a human right and a health issue
Occupational therapists ‘ Ride for Their Lives ’ on an epic journey to deliver a letter to world leaders at COP26
Community re-engagement for young people
Student reflections on a service improvement project while on placement in a child and adolescent mental health unit
The value of shared learning
Raising awareness of LGBTQIA + amongst older adults in an inpatient setting , through a history group

also inside

Supporting people to continue their recovery journey – even after discharge
Reducing isolation and building supportive social networks and relationships with a Recovery Café
RCOT Annual Review 2021
This has been another memorable year for RCOT , and here we celebrate all of the highlights and achievements
Cover : © Sinenkiy via Getty Images
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Deadlines : Editorial : 26th of the month . Advertising : 1st of the month .
Occupational Therapy News is published on the 15th of each month by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists Ltd , a registered charity in England and Wales ( 275119 ) and in Scotland ( SCO39573 ), 106-114 Borough High Street , Southwark , London
SE1 1LB .