It ’ s been a long journey bringing an occupational therapist into our charity and one that has been worth the time and development . Not only does the role bring a diverse and adaptable skill set , but also a unique perspective , which enhances what is already in place .
I am proud of what we have all achieved through developing this role and can see increasing scope for its application . Having worked closely with Hannah , I have seen her natural progression within the role and it has been a great fit and a learning experience . I would greatly encourage more projects to consider having an occupational theapist as part of their team .
Chris Hall , Romsey Young Carers manager
Group sessions : having groups sessions based around a meaningful activity can provide social support and a sense of mastery .
One to one assessments and interventions : facilitating the cared-for person to engage in meaningful activities , which can increase functional performance , confidence and independence .
Psychological support and development : an occupational therapist can bring the ability to effectively communicate and support personal development using meaningful occupations or activities , which can therefore facilitate conversations about issues at home .
Outreach work : many young carer services already educate schools on the roles of young carers and support teachers to refer to these services . However , in line with recent government guideline ( Department of Health and Department for Education 2017 ), there could be a place for occupational therapist to support and further educate others .
Signposting and onwards referrals : an occupational therapist can use sound clinical reasoning to refer families onto other services such as health , social or charitable services .
I believe that occupational therapists can make a real difference in the lives of young carers and their families . A simple , yet powerful quote from a service user expresses this : ‘ I guess I have learnt that I can actually do things .’
It has been such a privilege to be a part of the development of this role and to see the charity grow . I have such respect for those staff of young carer services across the country , who have been increasing occupational participation for these young people for years , even if they don ’ t use our terminology .
I hope my experiences can highlight the value of occupational therapy and inspire others to find their roles within similar young person ’ s charities .
Stamatopoulos V ( 2016 ) Supporting young carers : a qualitative review of young carer services in Canada , International Journal of Adolescence and Youth , 21 ( 2 ): 178-194 Wagman P and Håkansson C ( 2019 ) Occupational balance from the interpersonal perspective : A scoping review , Journal of Occupational Science , 26 ( 4 ): 537-545
Hannah Mitchell , newly-qualified occupational therapist , Romsey Young Carers
24 OTnews December 2021
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