Being a BAOT member means you also belong to Unison and can access support and advice on workplace issues at any time .
Mandatory COVID vaccination of health and care workers in England
This brings into law mandatory COVID vaccination for anyone deployed to deliver Care Quality Commission ( CQC ) regulated activities who has direct , face-to-face contact with service users . This includes health and care staff with clinical and nonclinical roles , for example care workers , health care assistants , nurses , paramedics , occupational therapists , operating department practitioners , receptionists , ward clerks , porters and cleaners .
Who is covered by this announcement ? The announcement on mandatory COVID jabs is for health and care staff in England only , at the moment .
What is a CQC-regulated activity ? This covers quite a lot of things , such as all NHS patient services , personal care in the home and in care homes , whether public or private . Anyone likely to interact with vulnerable people receiving care in health and social care settings including , but not limited to , hospitals , GP practices and also in a person ’ s home are in scope .
There is an exemption for Shared Lives carers , where the carer lives with the care recipient .
When will these changes come into force ? The government will need to bring in new legislation that we have not seen yet . However , the proposed date for this to come into force is 1 April 2022 .
Will there be any exemptions ? Yes , there will be some limited exemptions . These include those under 18 , those clinically exempt , those taking part in a COVID trial , those without face-to-face contact and those providing care as part of a Shared Lives agreement .
What is Unison ’ s stance on vaccines ? Unison supports vaccination in health and social care . The vaccine is safe , and we have encouraged all members who do not have a medical exemption to get the jab . But vaccination should be your decision and the UK government should promote persuasion and reassurance . We have made arguments that mandating the vaccine will result in people leaving health and care jobs , putting pressure on already stretched services .
What is Unison doing now ? Unison has been clear in our consultation response and announcements that we think this decision is a sledgehammer approach that will do more harm than good ( https :// bit . ly / 3rkNe3h ).
My employer is saying I must have the vaccine now or face dismissal , what should I do ? It is likely the new legislation will come into force from 1 April 2022 , giving time for people to get fully vaccinated .
Your employer should be using all efforts to give you clear information about the vaccine and continue to use persuasion and encouragement . You should report any bullying or intimidation to your Unison branch and / or employer .
Until 1 April 2022 , it may not be possible for employers to dismiss staff unless they are deployed in a care home in England . If you are threatened with dismissal you should speak to your Unison branch .
Have you changed your address , do you have a new employer , have you told us ?
If your personal or employer details have changed , telling your professional body or trade union might be the furthest thing from your mind . Members of RCOT / BAOT are automatically members of Unison . Luckily , this means that members of BAOT need only to notify RCOT of any changes , and this information will automatically transfer and update Unison ’ s records . This will ensure that you receive important correspondence , especially when we consult you via ballot for pay offers or industrial action .
So if you ’ ve changed your job , address or name lately , remember to let us know . Contact BAOT / RCOT on tel : 020 7450 2348 or email :
membership @ rcot . co . uk .
If you have a problem at work , BAOT / UNISON is there to help
Anyone can face problems at work , but if you ’ re a member of BAOT , you don ’ t have to face them alone . Whether
it ’ s about bullying , duty rotas , flexible working , annual leave or sickness procedures , a BAOT or Unison rep is on hand to help , wherever you work . We are also there to support in you case of disciplinary action , dismissal or redundancy .
For help and advice at work – or to find out more about Unison services – please contact your local BAOT / Unison rep or go to :
www . unison . org . uk / get-help /.
© Irina Shatilova via Getty Images
OTnews December 2021 11