OTnews August 2021 | Page 66

23 – 24 OCTOBER 2021
Unravelling strength and conditioning for therapists NCORE Trainer : Andrew McCauley . This intensive two day course will give you an introduction into how strength and conditioning can transform your current practice both with athletic and non-athletic patients . CPD : 17 hours . Venue : Florence Nightingale Community Hospital , Derby DE1 2QY . Cost : £ 260 . Other date : 4 to 5 December 2021 at Gilbert Hitchcock House , Bedford MK40 2NU . For more information and other events , contact : email : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or tel : 01332 254679 . www . ncore . org . uk
26 OCTOBER 2021
Psychological approaches in respiratory and cardiac care RCOTSS – Major Health Conditions We often use of psychological approaches in the management respiratory and cardiac conditions . This is an overview of psychological approaches and increasing confidence in using them , whilst assessing and treating the psychological impacts of these conditions . Whether you are new to the role or been managing these patients for many years in this session we aim to share experiences and knowledge . Venue : Online webinar . Time : 9.30am to 12.30pm . Cost : Free for specialist section members https :// bit . ly / 3eTSEeA
1 – 2 NOVEMBER 2021
Vestibular rehabilitation / dizziness for occupational therapists NCORE Lecturer : Richard O ’ Hara . This course allows occupational therapists to evaluate and differentiate their patient ’ s dizziness . Using movement and exercise , occupational therapists can also effectively treat common causes of dizziness . This intense two day course covers the essentials of vestibular assessment and treatment . A strong emphasis is placed on clinical assessment , differential diagnosis and treatment selection . CPD : 14.75 hours . Venue : Florence Nightingale Community Hospital , Derby DE1 2QY . Cost : £ 300 . For more information and other events , contact : email : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or tel : 01332 254679 . www . ncore . org . uk
Masterclass : Parkinson ' s disease Facilitated by Ana Aragon , this Masterclass will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to provide evidence based , condition specific interventions for people with Parkinson ’ s and related movement disorders as well as increasing awareness of relevant policy , professional best practice guidelines and sources of information . Venue : Online . Cost : members £ 160 ; non-members £ 300 . www . rcot . co . uk / parkinsons-nov21
Multidisciplinary team management of atypical Parkinson ’ s NCORE Course aims : gain an increased knowledge and understanding of atypical Parkinson ’ s conditions ; understand the overall management of these conditions ; understand and know how to implement therapy interventions ; have an understanding of how such conditions can impact an individual . CPD : 7 hours . Venue : Florence Nightingale Community Hospital , Derby DE1 2QY . Cost : £ 130 . For more information and other events , contact : email : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or tel : 01332 254679 . www . ncore . org . uk
Unilateral cerebral palsy – a practical application Cerebral Palsy Cymru Virginia Knox MRes MSc PGCE MCSP and Marissa Mount MSc RCOT – An overview of unilateral cerebral palsy . The course provides a broad overview of unilateral CP , including aetiology , clinical features , assessment , goal setting and intervention . It also includes lectures , video observations , case presentations , practical treatment ideas and opportunities for discussion and interaction . Suitable for occupational therapists and physiotherapists working with children with unilateral cerebral palsy of all ages . Venue : Virtual Online via Zoom . Cost : £ 350 per person . To reserve a place please email Anne Cleall on annec @ cerebralpalsycymru . org
12 NOVEMBER 2021
Addressing functional difficulties through home adaptations Access Independent Ltd Course explores functional difficulties adults might experience and considers by focusing on various functional difficulties how adaptations can enhance a person ’ s independence and wellbeing or provide a better environment for carers to provide individual care . The course will not provide detailed information on specific adaptations but consider how design should be based on best practice . Venue : Remote , from your home or office . Cost : £ 36 each for first 10 bookings , then £ 60 each . Email : gabriella . mak @ accessindependent . co . uk or tel 01223 229091 .
16 – 17 NOVEMBER 2021
Acupuncture for occupational therapists NCORE
Facilitator : Richard O ’ Hara . This new , two-day introduction to acupuncture is designed specifically for HCPC registered occupational therapists and enables them to apply basic acupuncture in practice and has been awarded RCOT approved learning . The course teaches 10 of the most influential acupuncture points and their safe implementation in practice . It aims to help occupational therapists maintain occupation at the centre of
66 OTnews August 2021