Masterclass : Assessing and treating fatigue – skills and strategies for occupational therapy practice Facilitated by Dr Sue Pemberton , this masterclass is aimed at occupational therapists from any clinical setting who find that fatigue is a significant problem for their clients and who want to increase their knowledge , enhance their skills and develop this area of practice . Venue : Online via Zoom . Cost : members £ 160 ; non-members £ 300 . www . rcot . co . uk / fatiguesep
Risk assessment for occupational therapists Access Independent This course will consider the use of risk assessment as a tool to assist with clinical decisions as an occupational therapist working in the community . It covers principles of risk assessment and management , how to risk assess to help with best interest decisions , functional assessments and provision of equipment or adaptations . Time : 9.30am to 1.15pm . Venue : Remote training via Microsoft Teams – you stay at your home . Cost : £ 36 for the first 10 people then £ 60 per person ( inc VAT ). Contact : gabriella . mak @ accessindependent . co . uk or tel : 01223 229091 .
15 – 16 SEPTEMBER 2021
Mobilisation of the neuroimmune system NCORE NOI Trainer : Ben Davies . This comprehensive lecture and handson course integrates the latest research on neurodynamics and neuroimmune science to provide a clinical reasoning framework to identify those patients who will benefit from neuroimmune mobilisation . CPD : 15 hours . Venue : Florence Nightingale Community Hospital , Derby DE1 2QY . Cost : £ 295 . For more information and other events , contact : email : uhdb . ncore @ nhs . net or tel : 01332 254679 . www . ncore . org . uk
Adapting and designing for wheelchair users Viva Access Ltd Live interactive training . Looks at range of wheelchair design standards and advises on how to incorporate these into adaptation work . Includes suggestions for assessing properties for their accessibility and measuring up individual users for key adaptations such as doorway openings and turning circles . Discusses Part M- Category 3 ( wheelchair dwellings ) and ways of including in adaptation proposals . Venue : Online via Zoom . Time : 9.30am to 12.30pm . CPD hours : 3 . Cost : Early bird price £ 29.50 plus VAT ; standard price £ 36 plus VAT . Register at : www . vivaaccess . com / book /. Contact : email : admin @ viva-access . com or tel : 0330 912 0079 .
How to be an independent occupational therapist Access Independent We cover the financial , legal and sales advice you need to be an Independent occupational therapist . Including : bookkeeping , tax , VAT , getting paid , insurance , liability , finding customers , what work is there for occupational therapists , calculate your rate charge , we can help your business plan . Delivered by Stephen Naylor , MD of Access Independent and Caroline Brown , Independent occupational therapist . We will have IT support available to help you log on . Time : 9.30am to 1.30pm . Venue : Remote training via Microsoft Teams – you stay at your home . Cost : £ 36 for the first 10 people then £ 60 per person ( inc VAT ). Contact : gabriella . mak @ accessindependent . co . uk or tel : 01223 229091 .
Training to help occupational therapists prescribe and issue walking aids Access Independent Training designed to help occupational therapists with the prescription and issue of walking aids , covering an overview of gait , indicators of choice for walking aids , measuring and use of aids , elbow crutches , walking frames and rollators . Time : 9.45am to 1pm . Venue : Remote training via Microsoft Teams – you stay at your home . Cost : £ 36 for the first 10 people then £ 60 per person ( inc VAT ). Contact : gabriella . mak @ accessindependent . co . uk or tel : 01223 229091 .
1 OCTOBER 2021
Strength through adversity : A strengths-based approach to occupational therapy RCOT Specialist Section – Children , Young People and Families Duration : One-day national conference with 30-day post conference access . Attendees : AHP and education professionals working with children , young people and their families . Live interactive virtual event platform delivering lectures , peer discussion and networking , Q & A , polls , competitions . Aim : to share current practice , promote evidence informed practice and networking opportunities . Venue : Online . Cost : Tickets range from £ 11.19 to £ 80.09 . https :// bit . ly / 2WoypPP
4 OCTOBER 2021
Eight-week mindfulness for life course Simply Mindfulness This evidence-based eight-week mindfulness based cognitive therapy course , developed by the University of Oxford and taught by specialist occupational therapist Debbie Larson , teaches the foundations of mindfulness and its neurophysiological mechanisms . It supports your wellbeing and is a pre-requisite course for further training to teach adults and children . Venue : online . Time : 7pm to 8.45pm . Cost : £ 195 . Contact : info @ simplymindfulness . com https :// simplymindfulness . com / 8-week-mindfulness-course /
64 OTnews August 2021