OTnews August 2021 | Page 62

When you ' re starting out

Student and new graduate membership
At the Royal College of Occupational Therapists ( RCOT ), we value our student and new graduate members a great deal . This is why we provide a wealth of resources and support specifically tailored to your needs .
As a student member , we ’ ll guide you through your university career , signposting you to the relevant resources we offer . By joining , you ’ ll be able to :
• attend the conference for free or a highly discounted rate
• submit abstracts to present at RCOT ’ s annual conference
• be considered for annual student awards
• access the British Journal of Occupational Therapy ( BJOT ) special collections for students as well as many other international journals to help you prepare for assignments and practice placements
• access professional development resources from day one , and the toolkits to help you put them into practice
• engage with other passionate occupational therapists at headquarters , online and through events .
If you ’ re a new graduate , we will still be on hand to offer you support in your first role as a qualified occupational therapist and we offer you :
• 25 % off the cost of full professional membership for a year on qualifying
• access to our Professional Practice Enquiries Service
• access to relevant resources and support
• a quarterly bulletin highlighting news and resources
• opportunities to network with other new graduates
• opportunities to develop your skills in influencing the future of the profession .
All our resources are quality-assured , and we set the standards for learning and development across pre-registration education .
To find out more , please email at education . administrator @ rcot . co . uk
The Royal College of Occupational Therapists Ltd is a registered charity in England and Wales ( No . 275119 ) and in Scotland ( No . SCO39573 ) and a company registered in England ( No . 1347374 )