OTnews August 2020 | Page 4

Contents 24 45 52 regular pages 06 news Policy and professional news from around the UK 14 research priorities RCOT announces the UK’s top 10 priorities for occupational therapy research 15 unison Unison argues that a national care service is the only way to prevent more deaths 61 professional resources A look at the research in the latest edition of BJOT Contacts Contacting OTnews Editorial enquiries tel: 020 3141 4639 or email: [email protected] Advertising enquiries tel: 020 3141 4641 or email: [email protected] Contacting RCOT General enquiries tel: 020 3141 4600 Membership/Subscription enquiries tel: 020 3141 4648 or email: [email protected] Unison enquiries tel UNISONdirect: 0845 355 0845 www.rcot.co.uk OTnews staff www.facebook.com/theRCOT Editor Tracey Samuels Journalist Andrew Mickel Production and design officers Janine Reid Suzanne Jefferson Sales manager David Agyei President Baroness Sheila Hollins CEO Julia Scott Chairman Professor Diane Cox @theRCOT David Agyei Sales manager Total average net circulation of 32,441 print copies (July 2018 – June 2019) Andrew Mickel Journalist Pre-press and printed in England by: The Lavenham Press Ltd, tel: 01787 247436