OTnews April 2023 | Page 51

Professional profile

Professional profile

Focus on
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equipment ’, or ‘ find homes for service users ’ and have helped erased role confusion , such as , we are occupational health , discharge co-ordinators or physiotherapy assistants .
Learning opportunities for students
Learning opportunities at the service have also paved the way for our students on placement to observe the occupational therapy approach to health and critically reflect on the difference between our profession and other disciplines .
It has also provided opportunities for all students to understand how the occupational therapy method of service delivery differs and how it fits into the core of what we do . One of our students highlighted the differences in the level of a service user ’ s engagement during sessions across all disciplines . These differences were mainly in the areas of communication and listening .
Brown et al ( 2020 ) suggest that effective listening and communication are key components of occupational therapy practice and significant in establishing therapeutic relationships . It is through this that occupational therapists get a clear understanding of a service user ’ s roles and interests .
Maintaining an occupational therapy lens
To raise the occupational therapy profile in our workplace we have worked in liaison with our wider therapies team to put together a drop-in session for service users ’ families . This is an opportunity where family members can come and ask questions regarding rehabilitation .
We have found that families often feel comfortable to contact our team directly for any concerns or queries they have and we provide regular feedback to aid in the transitional process of the rehabilitation pathway .
We aim to assist families by increasing their awareness of why occupational therapy can benefit their loved ones and
© FG Trade via Getty Images guide them along the process to ensure a smooth transition with further access to community supports .
In addition , we have featured articles in the workplace newsletter and we have put posters up to increase the awareness of our diverse services .
Most recently , we were also able to audit our occupational therapy services using the RCOT auditing tool . This provided us with reassurance that the information and education we have been providing aligns with the core values and practice standards that guide occupational therapy services .
It also enabled us to confidently share the role of occupational therapists and the benefit our service provision provides to our service users , their families , our colleagues and our students . This tool has helped us to evidence how we ensure every aspect of therapy delivered remains holistic and maintains an occupational therapy lens , providing us with confidence in our ability to deliver our services . Based on all this , we are happy that we have been able to raise the occupational therapy profile .
In conclusion , we encourage you to reflect on the occupational therapy profile and how we , as occupational therapists , are educating our service users , their families , our colleagues and our students on our role .
We need to think about the impact our services are making and how we are spreading the word of occupational therapy to reach everyone . Our mission is to empower occupational therapists to build a stronger future , in order to meet the growing needs of service users and to reach the ones who are not yet familiar with occupational therapy but have a need for it .
It is also important to acknowledge the things we are doing right and strengthen them , whilst reflecting on areas that require growth .
We recognise the value of ongoing discussion and are in the process of developing a social networking group to empower us in our future growth .
World Federation of Occupational Therapists ( 2022 ) About occupational therapy . Available at https :// wfot . org / about / about-occupational-therapy [ accessed 11 August 2022 ].
Brown T , Yun M , Etherington J ( 2020 ) Are listening and interpersonal communication skills predictive of professionalism in undergraduate occupational therapy students ? Health Professions Education , 6 ( 2 ): 187-200 . https :// doi . org / 10.1016 / j . hpe . 2020.01.001 .
Words EKA NDARAKE , Senior Occupational Therapist , Mid and South Essex NHS Trust Eka . ndarake @ nhs . net and TRACEY MOTTERSHEAD , Neuro Outreach Occupational Therapist , Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust , tracey . mottershead3 @ nhs . net
April 2023 OTnews 51