OTnews April 2023 | Page 35

Research and development
I enjoyed the way we put forward our experiences and ideas as a group … it was an educational experience that brought forth new skills .”

Research and development

I enjoyed the way we put forward our experiences and ideas as a group … it was an educational experience that brought forth new skills .”
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• ‘ I really enjoyed the group ; this experience allowed me to use my time in an intellectual project that was both stimulating and challenging and made me think in ways I don ’ t normally think .’
Our three occupational therapy participants also found the project a positive experience :
• ‘ As our service users are a typically under researched population , their lived expertise was really invaluable in understanding , designing and undertaking research that matters to the end user . I am really grateful to the service users for working with us .’
• ‘ It has been amazing to be able to work with this team of service users and occupational therapists . It has been so impressive how they have been able to grasp and work with some really complex research ideas to develop a truly co-created research proposal . Definitely a career highlight for me . Working together has made this a really valuable and important research proposal . We ’ ll now be working hard to secure funding to be able to do the research .’
We have applied for NIHR Research for Patient Benefit funding for the research and are currently waiting to hear back .
Our learning
Different perspectives are so valuable to research processes . Trusting the PAR process can be difficult , but well worth it overall . We believe we have a much better research proposal as a result .
At the beginning of our journey , we did not realise how long it would take to create a proposal in this way . We had to be careful to ensure that we were being true to a PAR philosophy – collaborating not just consulting .
Taking time to find the right group to work with and supporting them in their skill development was key to the success of this work .
Through our ground rules and discussions , we were able to openly acknowledge the power imbalance of living and working in a secure setting . We took time to develop our team relationship and trust . As a team , we were able to value all contributions and experiences thereby ensuring equity between team members .
Finally – do not underestimate people . During this journey we were reminded that with support , people can understand really complex research ideas .
Fagan MB , Morrison CR , Wong C , Carnie MB , Gabbai-Saldate P ( 2016 ) Implementing a pragmatic framework for authentic patient – researcher partnerships in clinical research . Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research , 5 ( 3 ): 297-308 .
RCOT ( 2022 ) Become an occupational therapist available at https :// bit . ly / 3GhMwe5 [ accessed 9 December 2022 ].
Stuart K , Maynard L , Rouncefield C ( 2015 ) Evaluation practice for projects with young people : a guide to creative research . SAGE Publications Ltd . DOI : https :// doi . org / 10.4135 / 9781473917811 .
Words DR KAREN MORRIS , Associate Professor ( Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science ), Professional Lead for Health Simulation , Institute of Health , University of Cumbria , email karen . morris @ cumbria . ac . uk and RHONA MACLEOD , Associate Director of Allied Health Professionals , Secure Care , Professional Lead OT , Secure Care , Cumbria , Northumberland , Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust , email rhona . macleod @ cntw . nhs . uk
April 2023 OTnews 35