OTnews April 2023 | Page 3

Editor ’ s note

Editor ’ s note

Welcome to OTnews

Last month we announced that RCOT is to sign the Armed Forces Covenant . In addition , a new OT Veterans Network has been established for members of the occupational therapy community who work with veterans and current members of the armed forces .
To celebrate , in this issue we are sharing three stories that showcase some brilliant examples of the current work going on in the field .
We kick off on page 16 , with OTs Joanne Lawson and Kathryn Guy , who talk about the development of a ‘ one-stop ’ hub to support veterans with their physical and mental health in the South West of England ; an initiative they are keen to replicate around the country .
Next , Nicola Tweed describes the effect a new sensory modulation service is having on the mental wellbeing of injured military personnel . Based at DMRC Stanford Hall , the service was set up in response to an identified gap in service – that people commonly presented with emotional dysregulation following injury or illness . Turn to pages 20-22 to find out more about the successes .
Then , on pages 24-26 , Christie Alkin shares how , as an OT researcher working for Combat Stress , she has been involved in a project to evaluate the impact of an online group sensory modulation intervention on the mental health of British military veterans .
In other features this month we hear from Ingrid Unsworth , who has been instrumental in setting up a pet assisted therapy pilot project that ’ s bringing engagement in meaningful activity to new heights in a medium secure unit in North Wales . Turn to pages 38-41 to find out more .
While on pages 30-32 , Hannah Spencer explains how RCOT is working to break down the barriers to career development and progression experienced by people historically underrepresented in occupational therapy , and how and why a series of vodcasts have been produced , focusing on hearing and sharing the career narratives of our diverse workforce .
We ’ ve also got reflections on the challenges of getting your work published as an early career researcher , with some good advice for anyone in the same
I ’ d love to boat ( pages 36-37 ). I hope you enjoy this issue . hear from you
Tracey Samuels Editor
If you have any feedback about this issue of OTnews , or would like to contribute a short article or feature for a future publication , please email me at : editorial @ rcot . co . uk
April 2023 OTnews 3