OTnews April 2023 | Page 26

Above : Christie presents her three-year research project
The survey questions saw responses that veterans ‘ felt happier and more confident ’ and ‘ I recognise when I am struggling and feel confident I have the tools to deal with it ’. These findings reflected what we were observing in our clinical practice , so it was rewarding to now have this evidenced to share with others .
The future
Conducting research can be daunting as an occupational therapist , but being able to contribute to the evidence base for military mental health treatment is a great feeling . One of the core values of our service is being research-led and now more members of the occupational therapy team have the confidence to take on their own projects following the success of this one .
I am currently revising the draft for submission to peer-reviewed journals and have been accepted to present at the RCOT conference in June 2023 .
The results from this project were also produced as poster presentations for the Sensory Integration Education and Veterans Mental Health Conference .
The use of sensory interventions has now been established as a core element of our Veterans ’ Intensive Complex Trauma Organised Recovery , known as our ‘ VICTOR ’ programme . This offers veterans opportunities to learn about their unique sensory profile and practise sensory modulation to participate fully in their treatment , as well as their home lives .
In the wider occupational therapy network working with military and military veterans , we are seeing sensory approaches being used more commonly and more occupational therapists undertaking research projects and education .
The OT Veterans Network is now established , with the support of RCOT , as a community of practice initiative to unite occupational therapists in this field to share resources , network , conduct continuing professional development and research .
This project would not have been possible without the funding from Lloyds Patriotic Fund , which was because of collaboration with our Head of Profession , Jolandi du Preez , who has been a great inspiration and support throughout my time at Combat Stress .
Thank you to the occupational therapy team who delivered the groups and provided great encouragement throughout the research journey . I look forward to returning the favour by sharing the knowledge and skills I learned on the way .
If you are an occupational therapist working with armed forces or ex-armed forces personnel and wish to join the community of practice , or if you have any questions relating to this project , please do contact me to discuss further .
Combat Stress ( 2023 ) About us . Available at https :// combatstress . org . uk / [ accessed 16 March 2023 ].
Hendrikx LJ , Williamson C , Baumann J and Murphy D ( 2021 ) The impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on treatment‐seeking veterans in the UK with pre-existing mental health difficulties : A longitudinal study . Journal of Traumatic Stress , 35 ( 1 ): 330-337 .
McGreevy S and Boland P ( 2020 ) Sensory-based interventions with adult and adolescent trauma survivors : An integrative review of the occupational therapy literature . Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy , V48 ( 1 ): 31-54 .
Seigal D ( 1999 ) The developing mind : How relationships and the brain interact to shape who we are . The Guildford Press .
Stevelink SA , Jones M , Hull L , Pernet D , MacCrimmon S , Goodwin L , MacManus D , Murphy D , Jones N , Greenberg N and Rona RJ ( 2018 ) Mental health outcomes at the end of the British involvement in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts : a cohort study . The British Journal of Psychiatry , 213 ( 6 ): 690-697 .
Words CHRISTIE ALKIN , Lead Research Occupational Therapist , Combat Stress , contact christie . alkin @ combatstress . org . uk
26 OTnews April 2023