OTnews April 2023 | Page 21

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• Need for self-soothing or self-regulation .
• Poor concentration and focus of attention .
• ADHD-type symptoms .
• Emotional regulation .
• Stabilisation prior to psychological treatment .
• Persistent pain and threat response .
• Sensory changes following brain injury .
• Life changing injuries .
To evaluate the effectiveness of the sensory modulation intervention via subjective feedback , a questionnaire was sent out to all patients that had engaged in the intervention in the past 12 months and data collected was analysed .
Project outcomes
The sensory modulation intervention was well received overall , with 85 % of patients saying they had a good or excellent understanding of the purpose of the intervention , while over half the patients ( 64 %) described a good understanding of their sensory thresholds .
The majority of patients ( 92 %) found they benefitted from the sensory strategies or sensory diet that were explored during their intervention , with 23 % finding the strategies extremely beneficial .
The implementation of sensory strategies appeared to be frequently used ( 54 %), with only 8 % reporting to have never used the strategies . And nearly all ( 92 %) saw improvement in their day-to-day functioning following sensory modulation .
Figure 1 : Benefits of sensory modulation on functioning in life areas .
Patient feedback was gathered on how they perceived the impact of sensory modulation on specific life areas ( see figure 1 ).
Sleep : 93 % of patients that respondent noted some benefits to their sleep , with 31 % finding the strategies very or extremely beneficial to sleep . Although 7 % rated this as non-applicable , due to not having a sleep difficulty prior to the intervention .
Anxiety : 85 % of the patients experienced a level of improvement in anxiety levels following sensory intervention , with 54 % finding some improvements , while 15 % rated this as nonapplicable , due to not experiencing anxiety symptoms prior to the sensory intervention .
Mood : 100 % of patients found an improvement in their mood following sensory intervention , with 77 % finding sensory some benefit to very
April 2023 OTnews 21