OTnews April 2023 | Page 19

Thursday 27 April 2023 6.30 – 7.45pm Online
Book your free ticket to this year ’ s prestigious lecture rcot . co . uk / 2023CassonLecture
# RCOTCasson

2023 Elizabeth Casson Memorial Lecture

Thursday 27 April 2023 6.30 – 7.45pm Online

Keir Harding Nothing grows in toxic environments

Join Keir as he discusses the importance of our relationships with our clients and how these can be impacted by :
• the socio-political environment in occupational therapy
• the culture of the organisation where one works
• the stigmatisation of people with mental health issues as being different or inferior .
Book your free ticket to this year ’ s prestigious lecture rcot . co . uk / 2023CassonLecture

# RCOTCasson
