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News Professional and policy news from around the UK |
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Supporting recovery Improving links between acute neurology and a specialist alcohol service to demonstrate the value of occupational therapy |
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Effective partnership working
An investigation of how a small test of change to assess the impact of occupational therapy in GP surgeries was grown into a successful service
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Unison A look at the government ’ s spring statement , which Unison says is a ‘ slap in the face ’ for public sector workers |
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Professional resources April ’ s BJOT is a bumper issue , and we take a look at this month ’ s themes , plus new Long Covid resources |
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Focus on40 Meaningful activity Linda Boulter talks about a creative writing project to support her own cancer recovery journey , as well as her local community in lockdown
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A new way of working Linda Horan shares her work to find a new falls pathway , to reduce risk and maintain quality of care during the pandemic |
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Theatre in higher education Can we use theatre and storytelling to explore the experience of dementia ? Dr Sandie Woods believes so
From OT to carer Jennifer Tanner shares her personal experience of becoming a carer , through an occupational therapy lens
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Developing our role Nichole Yam talks about the occupational therapist ’ s role in a virtual cross-site post-COVID critical care follow-up clinic in London |
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Supporting identity in a high secure hospital
How creatively exploring stigma and identity is supporting people with their feelings of self-worth
4 OTnews April 2022 |